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Published Categories Thumbnail Title Start Date/Time End Time End Date Recurrence Exp. Date
September 26, 2023 > Congregation News
Join UUCP Refugee Support Team for an Incredibly Rewarding Experience!
September 25, 2023 > Congregation News
Join the Fundraiser at UUCP - Saturday November 11 at 5:00px - All Board! UUCP Auction 2023 More Donations Needed for the UUCP 2023 Auction Train!
September 23, 2023 > Congregation News
3 Opportunities for Small Group Facilitator Training
September 20, 2023 Civic Engagement
AZ Abortion Access Petitions Will Be Available to Sign
September 20, 2023 Notes From Your Dance Partner
A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony Notes From Your Dance Partner
September 19, 2023 > Congregation News
Join the Fundraiser at UUCP - Saturday November 11 at 5:00px - All Board! UUCP Auction 2023 Donations Needed for the UUCP 2023 Auction Train!
September 19, 2023 Navigators
Navigators meeting 2023-09-24 12:00 MST 12:30 MST
September 19, 2023 > Congregation News
Interested in Learning About the Framework Project? 2023-09-24 12:00 MST 13:00 MST
September 19, 2023 > Congregation News
Please Join the Next UUCP Book Discussion Group Meeting 2023-09-24 09:00 MST 10:15 MST
September 12, 2023 Notes From Your Dance Partner
A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony Notes From Your Dance Partner
September 12, 2023 > Congregation News
UUCP Book Discussion Group Meeting 2023-09-17 09:00 MST 10:15 MST
September 10, 2023 > Congregation News
Join the Fundraiser at UUCP - Saturday November 11 at 5:00px - All Board! UUCP Auction 2023 All Aboard the UUCP 2023 Auction Train!
September 6, 2023 Civic Engagement
Environmental Voter Project Postcards 2023-09-17 11:30 MST 12:30 MST
September 6, 2023 Notes From Your Dance Partner
A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony Notes From Your Dance Partner
September 5, 2023 Meal Trains
Current Meal Trains December 1, 2023
September 5, 2023 > Congregation News
In-person UUCP Book Discussion Group Meeting 2023-09-10 09:00 MST 10:15 MST
September 5, 2023 > Congregation News
Defend Atlanta Forest Speaker after Service 2023-09-10 12:15 MST 13:30 MST
September 4, 2023 > Congregation News
"get to know UUCP" in cartoon speech bubble “Get to Know UUCP” 2023-10-08 12:00 MST 13:00 MST
September 4, 2023 Children's Ministry
September Flame Dinner 2023-09-22 18:30 MST
September 4, 2023 > Congregation News
Learn How to Briefly Describe Unitarian Universalism
September 3, 2023 > Congregation News
Items Needed
September 2, 2023 > Congregation News
Small Group Facilitator Training
August 31, 2023 > Congregation News
the future of us - Tuesday, October 17 in Phoenix at 5:30pm - sign up at “The Future of Us” 2023-10-17 18:00 MST
August 30, 2023 Notes From Your Dance Partner
A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony Notes From Your Dance Partner
August 30, 2023 > Congregation News
side-by-side photos of Reggie Watson; on the left, holding an AZ license plate that reads "OLDSOL7"; on the right, just a closeup of his face Reggie Watson Memorial Service August 31, 2023
August 30, 2023 > Congregation News
Save the Date for Phoenix Pride
August 28, 2023 > Congregation News
UUCP Book Discussion Group Meeting 2023-09-03 11:45 MST 13:00 MST
August 28, 2023 Share the Plate
The UMOM logo floating above the UUCP Share the Plate Logo. Share the Plate: UMOM 2023-09-01 00:00 MST September 30, 2023 September 30, 2023
August 27, 2023 Earth Justice
Earth Justice Ministry Meeting 2023-09-10 13:30 MST 14:45 MST October 3, 2023 Second Sundays at 1:30 pm
August 24, 2023 > Congregation News
UofA Class on Tohono O’odham History and Culture
August 23, 2023 Notes From Your Dance Partner
A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony Notes From Your Dance Partner
August 23, 2023 > Congregation News
Email the Phoenix City Council in Support of Housing Justice
August 21, 2023 Maryland School
Can You Help Students by Tutoring at Maryland School? September 10, 2023
August 21, 2023 > Congregation News
UUCP Book Discussion Group Meeting 2023-08-27 11:45 MST 13:00 MST
August 20, 2023 > Congregation News
Nigel’s 15th Birthday 2023-08-26 14:00 MST 20:00 MST
August 17, 2023 Engage With UUCP
colorful compass drawing with leafed branch as pointer; "UUCP Newcomer Starting Point" “Starting Point” 2023-10-07 09:00 MST 13:00 MST
August 17, 2023 > Congregation News
"get to know UUCP" in cartoon speech bubble “Get to Know UUCP” 2023-09-03 12:00 MST 13:00 MST
August 15, 2023 Notes From Your Dance Partner
A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony Notes From Your Dance Partner
August 15, 2023 Maryland School
Help Us Support Maryland School’s Garden September 1, 2023
August 15, 2023 > Congregation News
UUCP Young-ish Adults Gathering 2023-08-29 18:30 MST 19:30 MST
August 9, 2023 Civic Engagement
Heat Disaster – Help Now!
August 9, 2023 Notes From Your Dance Partner
Intern minister Brigitta Vieyra standing on rocks near the water Field Notes From Your Ministerial Intern
August 9, 2023 > Congregation News
Middle and High School Extravaganza! 2023-08-19 17:00 MST 10:30 MST
August 8, 2023 Earth Justice
Support the Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument August 10, 2023
August 8, 2023 > Congregation News
Calling All UUCP Artists 2023-09-09 09:00 MST 13:00 MST
August 2, 2023 Civic Engagement
High School Voter Registration September 1, 2023
August 2, 2023 Notes From Your Dance Partner
Intern minister Brigitta Vieyra standing on rocks near the water Field Notes From Your Ministerial Intern
August 1, 2023 Navigators
Navigators SAWUURA Campout Meeting 2023-08-20 12:00 MST 13:30 MST
August 1, 2023 > Congregation News
UUCP Book Discussion Group Meeting 2023-08-06 11:45 MST 13:00 MST
July 31, 2023 Children's Ministry
August Flame Dinner 2023-08-18 18:30 MST