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Published Categories Thumbnail Title Start Date/Time End Time End Date Recurrence Exp. Date
August 24, 2022 Civic Engagement
Petition Locations for “Stop Voucher Expansion”
August 24, 2022 Children's Ministry
Help Children’s Ministry! 10:15:00
August 24, 2022 Children's Ministry
Register for Children’s Ministry Programs!
August 23, 2022 > Congregation News
“Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don’t Know”
August 23, 2022 Maryland School
Children sitting at a school table working; one is looking up toward an adult with their hand on the other student's shoulder - overlaid with Maryland School logo Maryland School Needs Tutors—Can You Help?
August 23, 2022 Civic Engagement
UU the Vote logo, UUCP phoenix logo, "Make Good Trouble with UUCP!" on a gold background Making Good Trouble
August 22, 2022 Children's Ministry
UUCP Cardboard Creation Day! 15:00:00
August 17, 2022 Earth Justice
Earth Justice: Green Good Trouble
August 16, 2022 Civic Engagement
UU the Vote logo, UUCP phoenix logo, "Make Good Trouble with UUCP!" on a gold background Good Trouble Past, Present, and Future
August 16, 2022 > Congregation News
All are Welcome - Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix - September 17 at 3:00pm - the installation of Rev. Christine Dance & UUCP's 75th anniversary Save the Date – Saturday, September 17 at 3:00pm
August 10, 2022 Civic Engagement
Petitions to Stop Voucher Expansion / Election Jobs
August 9, 2022 Earth Justice
Earth Justice Meeting Sunday, August 14
August 9, 2022 Civic Engagement
UU the Vote logo, UUCP phoenix logo, "Make Good Trouble with UUCP!" on a gold background Good Trouble Update
August 8, 2022 > Congregation News
“Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don’t Know”
August 8, 2022 Children's Ministry
In-Person Children’s Ministry Programming!
August 8, 2022 Navigators
White text: "UUCP Navigators Getting Our Ideas Out" plus UUCP logo over photo of Milky Way, plus various white icons representing ideas Navigators August 2022: Getting Our Ideas Out #2
August 3, 2022 Civic Engagement
Petitions to Stop Voucher Expansion / Welcome Center
August 3, 2022 > Congregation News
Security camera view of the UUCP parking lot at night, showing the new lights We Have Parking Lot Lights!
August 2, 2022 Civic Engagement
UU the Vote logo, UUCP phoenix logo, "Make Good Trouble with UUCP!" on a gold background Want to Help #UUtheVote by Becoming a Poll Worker?
August 2, 2022 > Congregation News
We Have Room for More Artists’ Work
August 2, 2022 Maryland School
Maryland School logo over photo of outside of building Maryland School Starts Monday, August 8!
August 2, 2022 Navigators
White text: "UUCP Navigators Getting Our Ideas Out" plus UUCP logo over photo of Milky Way, plus various white icons representing ideas Navigators August 2022: Getting Our Ideas Out
August 1, 2022 Earth Justice
Earth Justice Urges You to Get into Good Trouble!
August 1, 2022 Children's Ministry
All in Adventure! Community Orientation to Children’s Ministry
August 1, 2022 Meal Trains
Unicare Meal Train Update August, 2022
August 1, 2022 Share the Plate
Circle the City logo | UUCP Share the Plate logo Share the Plate: Circle the City August 31, 2022
July 28, 2022 > Congregation News
Book Discussion Group Will Meet on Zoom 13:15:00
July 27, 2022 Civic Engagement
Petition to Stop Voucher Expansion / Good Trouble
July 26, 2022 Earth Justice
Earth Justice Says, “Get into Good Trouble!”
July 25, 2022 Maryland School
Spiral bound notebook and colored pencils on wooden desk overlaid with Maryland School logo Help Maryland School Teachers With Supplies
July 25, 2022 > Congregation News
UUCP Needs Some Help With YouTube
July 25, 2022 Civic Engagement
Help by Mailing Postcards; UU the Vote logo; Arizona "VOTES" license plate; UUCP logo; Make Good Trouble with UUCP! UU the Vote Letter / Postcard Writing Party
July 20, 2022 Civic Engagement
Vote Now! / Petitions to stop Voucher Expansion / Cooling Centers
July 18, 2022 Maryland School
Maryland School logo over photo of outside of building Maryland School Students Need Your Help
July 18, 2022 Civic Engagement
UU the Vote logo, UUCP phoenix logo, "Make Good Trouble with UUCP!" on a gold background Voter Registration Training July 25 at Noon 
July 17, 2022 Earth Justice
"The Story of Plastic" YouTube thumbnail “The Story of Plastic”
July 15, 2022 > Congregation News
“The Power of Crisis”
July 13, 2022 Civic Engagement
Protect Public Education: Stop ESA Voucher Expansion
July 12, 2022 Earth Justice
Four Action Items for Climate Change
July 12, 2022 > Congregation News
Sizzling Summer Sanctuary Art Sale!
July 12, 2022 Navigators
July Navigators - black outlined text on white background with UUCP phoenix logo Navigators July 2022: Climate Change Part 2
July 11, 2022 Maryland School
Spiral bound notebook and colored pencils on wooden desk overlaid with Maryland School logo Maryland School Supply List 2022-2023
July 11, 2022 Civic Engagement
UU the Vote logo, UUCP phoenix logo, "Make Good Trouble with UUCP!" on a gold background Election Protection Training Sessions for Arizona Volunteers 
July 6, 2022 > Congregation News
Calling All UUCP Artists
July 6, 2022 Civic Engagement
Participate in UU the Vote “Good Trouble”
July 6, 2022 Earth Justice
Earth Justice July 2022
July 6, 2022 Civic Engagement
UU the Vote logo, UUCP phoenix logo, "Make Good Trouble with UUCP!" on a gold background Make Good Trouble with UUCP! 
July 5, 2022 Navigators
July Navigators - black outlined text on white background with UUCP phoenix logo Navigators July 2022: Climate Change
July 5, 2022 Meal Trains
Unicare Meal Train Update July, 2022
June 29, 2022 Civic Engagement
UU the Vote Good Trouble / Cooling Centers