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Published Categories Thumbnail Title Start Date/Time End Time End Date Recurrence Exp. Date
November 22, 2022 Civic Engagement
UU the Vote and UUCP logos on gold background; dark blue text: "We're Almost There!" "GOOD Trouble" "98.22%" Giving Thanks for Good Trouble
November 22, 2022 Earth Justice
A picture of Monarch Butterflies in flight near a flower Milkweed for Monarchs Post Sale Update
November 19, 2022 Civic Engagement
UU the Vote and UUCP logos on gold background; dark blue text: "We're Almost There!" "GOOD Trouble" "94.9%" Good Trouble Status: We’re Almost There!
November 16, 2022 Civic Engagement
Work for Georgia Run-Off
November 15, 2022 Participation Team
Connect & Engage Small Group Starts November 17
November 15, 2022 Notes From Your Dance Partner
A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony Notes From Your Dance Partner – November 17, 2022
November 15, 2022 Civic Engagement
UU the Vote logo, UUCP phoenix logo, "Make Good Trouble with UUCP!" on a gold background Still Making Good Trouble in Georgia
November 15, 2022 Children's Ministry
A QR code for Nigel, created with the Hoverlay app Augmented Reality Update
November 15, 2022 > Congregation News
An image of a snowman, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa candles. Display Your Holiday Decorations in the Sanctuary, Dec 3
November 15, 2022 > Congregation News
Nobody Knows: Blue Holidays Gathering – November 16
November 14, 2022 > Congregation News
Pop-Culture Theology: Discussion of Netflix’s “God’s Favorite Idiot” Begins November 20
November 14, 2022 Earth Justice
A picture of Monarch Butterflies in flight near a flower Milkweed for Monarchs Sale Update
November 14, 2022 Participation Team
A image of stick figure icons holding hands Calling All Young Adults
November 9, 2022 Civic Engagement
An image of an UUtheVote envelope with the words Post Election Gathering printed on the front Post Election Gathering – Thursday, November 10
November 9, 2022 Music
UUCP Electric Jam Wednesdays!
November 8, 2022 Children's Ministry
Flame Dinner: Ages 15-18
November 8, 2022 Children's Ministry
Sr. High Camp at DeBeneville Pines
November 8, 2022 Children's Ministry
Youth at UUCP: Augmented Reality
November 8, 2022 Notes From Your Dance Partner
Notes From Your Dance Partner – November 10, 2022
November 7, 2022 Children's Ministry
Our UU Home: A Program for 5-13 Year Olds & Their Families
November 7, 2022 Children's Ministry
Fake Reality! Youth Workshop Day
November 7, 2022 Children's Ministry
A picture of flowers on a green background with the words Kindle Circle above them Kindle Kids: Register Now To Join!
November 7, 2022 Participation Team
Connect & Engage Small Group Begins November 17
November 7, 2022 > Congregation News
Pop-Culture Theology: Discussion of Netflix’s “God’s Favorite Idiot” Starts November 20
November 5, 2022 Participation Team
A image of stick figure icons holding hands Calling All Young Adults November 19
November 1, 2022 Navigators
A picture of the Catalina Mountains with Blue Skies UUCP November Navigators
November 1, 2022 UUCP Leadership
Conversations with the board white text next to UUCP Logo Conversations With the Board
November 1, 2022 Meal Trains
Unicare Meal Train Update November, 2022
November 1, 2022 Civic Engagement
UU the Vote logo, UUCP phoenix logo, "Make Good Trouble with UUCP!" on a gold background Our Community Has Dug in and Created Sooo Much Good Trouble
November 1, 2022 Notes From Your Dance Partner
Notes From Your Dance Partner – November 3, 2022
October 31, 2022 Earth Justice
A picture of Monarch Butterflies in flight near a flower Milkweed for Monarchs Sale
October 31, 2022 Earth Justice
Earth Justice Meeting Sunday, November 20
October 31, 2022 Share the Plate
UUSC (Unitarian Universalist Service Committe) - UUCP Share the Plate Share the Plate: Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) November 30, 2022
October 26, 2022 Civic Engagement
Mail Ballots by November 1 / Ballot Guide and Water District Candidates
October 25, 2022 Civic Engagement
An image of an UUtheVote envelope with the words Post Election Gathering printed on the front Post Election Gathering
October 25, 2022 Participation Team
A image of stick figure icons holding hands Calling All Young Adults
October 25, 2022 > Congregation News
An image of a snowman, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa candles. Display Your Holiday Decorations in the Sanctuary
October 25, 2022 Civic Engagement
Picture of UUtheVote envelope. Voting begins soon, all postcards either should have been already mailed, or need to be mailed before October 28. The Vote Forward letters need to be mailed on October 29. Helping Early Voters Cure Their Ballots, and Other Opportunities to UU the Vote
October 25, 2022 Notes From Your Dance Partner
Notes From Your Dance Partner – October 27, 2022
October 19, 2022 Civic Engagement
Recommended Ballot Guide / Info on Water District Candidates
October 19, 2022 > Congregation News
A Dia de los Muertos altar containing personal photos, a picture of a skull and other decorations. Dia de los Muertos Service October 30
October 18, 2022 Notes From Your Dance Partner
Notes From Your Dance Partner – October 20, 2022
October 18, 2022 > Congregation News
UU Evolution Class Starts October 30
October 18, 2022 > Congregation News
Phoenix Pride logo, "Phoenix Pride Parade", photo of UUCP group at the parade Oct 16, 2022, photo by V Myers Phoenix Pride Parade Recap & Photos
October 18, 2022 Civic Engagement
Picture of UUtheVote envelope. Voting begins soon, all postcards either should have been already mailed, or need to be mailed before October 28. The Vote Forward letters need to be mailed on October 29. Time to Get Those Postcards and Letters Ready to Mail!
October 18, 2022 Navigators
Closeup of Asclepias subulata (milkweed) with red/orange bug UUCP Navigators Update
October 17, 2022 Earth Justice
A picture of Monarch Butterflies in flight near a flower Sale of Milkweed for Monarchs
October 11, 2022 > Congregation News
Join Us for Shared Ministry Sunday – October 23
October 11, 2022 Children's Ministry
Our Whole Lives Facilitator Training
October 11, 2022 Civic Engagement
UU the Vote logo, UUCP phoenix logo, "Make Good Trouble with UUCP!" on a gold background No Letter Writing Party – You Can Still #UUtheVote!