A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

For the last two weeks, I’ve been discussing the three concepts that the staff and I have chosen as our mantras for the 2023-2024 Program Year. After discussing Foundational Stability and Joy, this week I want to address JUSTICE.

“I miss going to marches and protests together and seeing all the yellow Side With Love T-shirts.” I’ve heard that statement from many of you. Some of this is because there have just been fewer of those gatherings since the pandemic. Some of it is that our justice organizations have just been trying to survive through these difficult years. But I hear that we are hungry to show up and support the people who are fighting for the causes that have so much meaning for us–from reproductive justice to climate change to election freedom to support for our trans siblings. We will be looking for more ways that we can participate in justice opportunities. Look for opportunities related to our new Unitarian Universalist values that we’ll be exploring this year.

To be clear, we will not be just creating these justice opportunities ourselves. Instead, we will be looking to partner with community partners who are doing good work and seeing how we can support them.

These opportunities are a way to show our values and also feel like we are doing something when there are so many challenges to those same values. Showing up and participating feel empowering and important in these times.

What justice opportunities would you like to see? I’d love to hear from you.