A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

This is the first week in Advent in the Christian calendar. For the last three years, I have preached on Advent because we were still in the time of the Pandemic and therefore, still in the time of waiting, which is what Advent celebrates.

This year, the pandemic still exists (Karen had COVID two weeks ago–I was lucky enough not to get it from her). But it is a different way of being for many of us–one of co-existing rather than waiting. It feels like a major milestone that I’m not preaching about Advent and waiting this holiday season. Instead, I’m looking at how we build resilience in this frenzied season and fraught world. Rev. Patrice is preaching on having “enough,” we’ll be exploring Solstice and the Blue Holidays for whom this season is more than complicated, and we’ll be exploring our UU value of Pluralism in this month when there are so many faiths that celebrate holidays. If you want to see all the exciting offerings we have this holiday season, take a look at our holiday calendar of upcoming events.

I will still be thinking a lot about Advent, because we are still waiting for what Advent promises–the coming of peace, hope, and light. As multiple wars wage in the world, as division between us solidifies, as people feel isolated and lonely, we wait for that peace.

My faith tells me that not only is it possible, it is coming. I’m not sure when or how or how long it will take, but during this season, I long for it.

May this Advent season bring you moments of peace, introspection, deep breaths and hope.