For most of our worship services beginning in the spring of 2020, we have video recordings of the full worship service and of just the sermon available for you to watch.
Moral Stress in a Post-Capitalistic World
Should we drive an electric car? Go vegan? Buy only local? Unsubscribe from companies that support problematic programming? It is hard to figure out how to be a "good" person in this complicated capitalistic society. Together, we'll explore how complex these decisions are and how the answer isn't about being "good," but rather understanding the mutual web in which we exist.
Equity—Living Into Our Inherent Dignity and Worthiness
In the third of our series on the new UU Values, we'll be exploring Equity and just how hard it is to see the dignity and worthiness of each and every person. This value is central to our faith, so why is it just so hard to do?
Modern Elections as the New Civil Rights Movement
On this Martin Luther King weekend, we must recognize that a key part of the Civil Rights movement was organizing for voting rights. It is over 50 years past the Voting Rights Act and yet we need this prophetic work now more than ever. As the election season ramps up--both nationally and locally, let's explore the work ahead of us as a civil rights act.
Care-full Commitments
In an uncertain future, being careful is a common posture in how to move through the world. As a covenantal tradition, we are called to faithfully follow through on our relationship commitments to ourselves and one another. Join us as we discover how compassion is a promise and a practice inviting us into more care-full commitments.
New Years Meditation and Labyrinth
Let us enter 2024 together, with meditations, reflections and a return of our New Years Labyrinth to contemplate what has meaning for us in turning of the wheel.
200 Years of Silent Night: Christmas Eve Worship Service
Join us for our Traditional Christmas Eve Service. Music, readings, and candles set the scene for a personal and meaningful night as we consider 200 years of the song Silent Night—in meaning, use, and sentiment.