Sometimes, you need to know: Someone cares. Someone will listen. You do not need to struggle through difficult times alone.
Our congregational community provides care for each other through our caring ministries, which supplement the natural network of family and friendship at UUCP. The roles in providing pastoral care are shared between the minister, whose role includes pastoral counseling and spiritual presence, and the members of the congregation, who create the beloved community of support through their caring actions.
Our caring ministries include:
Our congregational community provides care for each other through our caring ministries, which supplement the natural network of family and friendship at UUCP. The roles in providing pastoral care are shared between the minister, whose role includes pastoral counseling and spiritual presence, and the members of the congregation, who create the beloved community of support through their caring actions.
Our caring ministries include:
Caring Ministry Team
The Caring Ministry Team provides members and friends an extension of Rev. Christine Dance’s own pastoral care presence.
Memorial Services Support
Volunteers help with the setup and reception associated with a memorial service conducted by the UUCP minister or other celebrant.
Meal Trains
Our UUCP community shares journeys by supporting congregants with meals during challenging times and life transitions.