HOLD THE DATE: UUCP Fundraiser-Friendraiser Dinner/Auction to be held on November 11, 2023. Doors open at 5:00pm.

All are invited! Bring a friend or two. The more the merrier!

The theme of this year’s event is TBD. Dinner will be something simple and there will be silent auction with items to fit every budget.

Like years past there will be a live auction with a multitude of parties or gatherings to bid on. There will also be smaller parties and gatherings using a “sign-up sheet” where you need only purchase 1 or 2 (or more – bring a friend!) affordable tickets to attend.

Attending the November 11 kickoff dinner/auction event gives you first crack at whatever party or gathering you want to attend!

For more information, contact fundraiser@phoenixuu.org .