All our announcements and events are listed below, with the most recently-published first. You can use the list of categories in the sidebar to view items from selected topics.
“The Power of Crisis”
The UUCP Book Discussion Group will begin discussion of a new book on July 24, The Power of Crisis: How Three Threats—and Our Response—Will Change the World, by Ian Bremmer. This book discusses three looming domestic and international crises: global health emergencies, transformative climate change, and the AI revolution. The Power of Crisis discusses ways that governments,
Protect Public Education: Stop ESA Voucher Expansion
The Arizona Legislature passed HB2853, and Doug Ducey recently signed it into law the universal ESA expansion of school vouchers. Arizona voters overwhelming rejected the voucher expansion in 2018. We must once again stop this attack on public schools by repealing this bill by referring HB2853 to the November 2024 ballot. Blocking the universal ESA
Four Action Items for Climate Change
#1. From the Center for Biological Diversity 7/8/22—President Biden just released a plan for offshore oil and gas leasing in US oceans for the next five years. The plan would open the Gulf of Mexico and Alaskan waters to more drilling. To make matters worse, the administration released this plan for the oceans after moving forward
Sizzling Summer Sanctuary Art Sale!
The artworks currently in the Sanctuary valued at over $50 are all reduced by 20% for the duration of the exhibition (until late August). Sale prices are marked in red on the small white tags with the artworks. To purchase artwork, please prepare 2 checks, one to UUCP for 20% of the listed price and
Navigators July 2022: Climate Change Part 2
Thank you everyone that attended our first July meeting. Our second meeting of the month will be on Monday, July 25 at 6:00pm. At this meeting, we will continue discussing the difference between individual action and systemic change. As a group, we will be using the “Threatened and Endangered Animals and Plants” PDF from
Maryland School Supply List 2022-2023
Back-to-School Collection Through August 7 Maryland School is going to be up and running August 8 with a school full of students, ready for in-person learning and interacting with friends. Budgets continue to be stretched, so now is the time for us to help with supplies to outfit classrooms, and you can help by donating needed
Election Protection Training Sessions for Arizona Volunteers
Hello, UUCP Good Trouble Makers! First, we have kudos from UU the Vote AZ / UUJAZ: “Shout out to the UU the Vote team at Unitarian Universalist Church of Phoenix for already writing 410 postcards/letters and knocking on 161 doors for Arizonans for Fair Elections!” For all those interested in being poll watchers, here’s information
Calling All UUCP Artists
The Sanctuary Art Team would like to show off the talent of UUCP members and friends in an art show to be hung in the sanctuary in late August. We are looking for any kind of art that can be hung on the walls. This could be paintings, photography, textile art, or crafts made from cardboard
Participate in UU the Vote “Good Trouble”
Twenty people have already stepped up to participate in the “UU the Vote Good Trouble” initiative, working toward the 2022 elections. Much more help is needed. Are you willing to write letters to voters? If so, postage is available at no cost to you. Email the Good Trouble team at
Earth Justice July 2022
We will meet on Sunday, July 10 at 1:30pm via Zoom: ID: 929 0550 6684 | Passcode: Earth Newcomers are always welcome. For more information, contact Activity Updates On Friday, 7/1/22, Laurel Hardin attended the protest at the Sandra Day O’Connor Courthouse in Phoenix of the Supreme Court’s decision in W. Virginia vs. the
Make Good Trouble with UUCP!
Our UU values are not being represented by our lawmakers The midterm elections are a crucial moment for us to defeat the rising threats to our democracy and human dignity. Join us in this fight as we launch UUCP’s #UUtheVote 2022 to become a Good Trouble Congregation. If you want to learn more and get
Navigators July 2022: Climate Change
For the month of July, we are going to look at the role we play as individuals in the fight for the environment and against climate change. As individuals and communities, we often discuss how we can change our individual actions to help the environment and curb carbon emissions. It is important for our youth