All our announcements and events are listed below, with the most recently-published first. You can use the list of categories in the sidebar to view items from selected topics.
Installation of Rev. Christine Dance – September 17 at 3:00pm MST
The 75th Anniversary of the Founding of UUCP and the Installation of our Reverend Christine Dance will be held on Saturday, September 17, at 3:00pm MST. This is a celebration of this community and a recognition of the covenant between UUCP and its called minister. It will be a joyous ritual full of inspiring words, meaningful ritual, and great speakers—all gathered together to celebrate this community and what we’ve been through to get to this point right here.
Our Whole Lives Family & Facilitator Interest Meeting
Our Whole Lives (OWL) is UUCP’s amazing lifespan sexuality and health program. OWL helps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their relationships, sexual health, and behavior. With a holistic approach, OWL provides accurate, developmentally appropriate information about a range of topics, including relationships, consent, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, sexual health, and cultural
Abolitionists Search and Rescue Meet & Learn!
The Abolitionists Search And Rescue is a new humanitarian group that does direct immigration relief work. Migrants traveling by foot through Arizona’s southern deserts are dying in record numbers. The Abolitionists SAR leaves water on well-traveled desert paths, and is prepared for rescue or recovery if they find migrants or their remains. Join Music Director
Navigators Fall 2022
Hello! UUCP Navigators is excited to announce our fall meeting schedule. In addition to our online programming we will be announcing a few in-persyn events this fall and winter. While we do not have the specifics of these events just yet, we want to provide an overview for folks of events to come. Tentative In-Persyn
Book Discussion Group Meeting September 4, 2022
The Book Discussion Group will meet on Zoom at 11:45am on Sunday, September 4. We will discuss two chapters from Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell: Chapter Three, “The Queen of Cuba,” and Chapter Four: “The Holy Fool.” Contact for more information, or join us Sundays at 11:45am on Zoom: Meeting ID: 819 2168 7099 | Passcode:
UUCP’s Choir Is Rehearsing Again!
UUCP’s Choir has started rehearsing again! If you’ve missed singing with others, please join us. We rehearse every Wednesday night in the sanctuary from 7:00 – 8:45pm, and we sing in service about twice each month. All ages, voices, and experience levels are welcome. Email any questions to Music Director Benjie Messer at
Phone Banking for “Save Our Schools” & Other September Activities
September 6: Instead of the previously-scheduled Zoom phone bank, we encourage folks to join Save our Schools in their Tuesday Phone Bank on September 6, at 6:00pm AZ time. Call friendly voters to talk about the critical importance of voting for Public School Proud candidates in the upcoming elections. This outreach is critical to winning
Share the Plate: Arizona Food Bank Network
Our Share the Plate Recipient for September is the Arizona Food Bank Network (AzFBN), known for its programs that bring fresh produce to food banks. AzFBN is a coalition of 5 regional food banks and almost 1,000 food pantries and agencies, all working to address hunger. AzFBN amplifies the work of their members by raising
Tech Needed: iPhones & iPads
The kids need your old phones! The teens at UUCP have undertaken an amazing project to make UUCP more accessible and they need some gear to finish it out. Do you have an old iPhone or iPad you aren’t using anymore? We need 2-3 devices and are hoping our community can help us out. Please
Milkweed for Monarchs
Let’s help monarch butterflies increase in numbers! They need milkweed plants as the only food for their caterpillars. So we will plant some and sell others to families in our congregation, Desert View Learning Center, and the Early Education Cooperative Preschool here at UUCP. We are targeting November for the sale, but would like to
Adult Classes Beginning in September & October
UUCP is offering four adult classes beginning in September & October: Great UU Sermons facilitated by Roy Miller – starts September 8 Forgiveness: A Spiritual Commitment for Our Time? facilitated by Vince Waldron and Sam Kirkland – starts September 18 Living by Heart facilitated by Donna Featherston – starts October 4 UU Evolution facilitated by Gary
Children’s Ministry Orientation & Training
Interested in participating in a nationally recognized Children’s Ministry program? Want to learn more about why Kids at UUCP seem so special? Join us for our annual orientation and training, open to ANYONE who wants to know more about how they can be more for the kiddos of our congregation! Zoom Meeting ID: 885 5121