All our announcements and events are listed below, with the most recently-published first. You can use the list of categories in the sidebar to view items from selected topics.
LGBTQ+ Reception
The UUCP LGBTQ+ community is invited to a reception at the home of Rev. Christine, in the area of 32nd St. & Shea, on January 14 at 5:00pm. The purpose is to come together as an affinity group to get to know each other, have some good conversation, and explore the interest in having an
Notes From Your Dance Partner – January 5, 2023
For the most part, I believe that New Year’s Day is just another day and that marking it as a day of resolutions or notable annual change is a societal construct that doesn’t work well for me. I mostly believe that resolutions are premeditated ways to feel guilt and shame in about a month when
Estate Planning Presentation
The UU Foundation of Phoenix is sponsoring an Estate Planning Presentation on January 22. This will be held in the Sanctuary and on Zoom following the Sunday service. We encourage all UUCP members and friends to take advantage of this free informational event conducted by Allison Kierman, an experienced estate planning attorney. For more information,
Earth Justice Meeting Sunday, January 8
Our next meeting will be January 8 at 1:30pm via Zoom: ID: 929 0550 6684 | Passcode: Earth Newcomers are always welcome. We generally meet the second Sunday of each month on Zoom. Please contact Laurel Hardin, chair, at to join the group and receive meeting minutes and agendas.
Sanctuary Art Team Needs Your Help
We hope you have enjoyed the holiday decorations adorning the Sanctuary. Perhaps you would be willing to spend a few hours assuring that we continue to have art on the walls? On Saturday, January 14, at 9:00am, the Sanctuary Art Team will be taking down the holiday decorations and storing them for next year. We need able-bodied
Share the Plate: Jewish Family & Children’s Services
Founded in 1935, JFCS serves low-income, at-risk, and minority populations facing mental, behavioral, and medical challenges. Services include: domestic abuse protection/counseling, workforce readiness and GED education for at-risk youth, substance abuse counseling and treatment (ages 12-14), employment training (ages 16-24 years), medical treatment of common diseases, psychiatric medicine management, immunization, early childhood trauma assessment/treatment, and
Interested in Becoming a Small Group Facilitator?
Rev. Christine Dance will be teaching Introduction to Small Group Facilitating on January 9 at 7:00pm. The class will be available both in person and on Zoom. Small groups are the backbone of this community and essential to keeping folks connected. We truly need more small group facilitators if we are going to offer more
Adult Class: Plan Your Own Memorial Service
By request, Rev. Christine is offering a class to consider and plan your own memorial service. We’ll talk about the purposes of a service, the elements that make it special, and how you can plan now so that you can have input and decrease questions for your loved ones. The class will run on Sundays
Adult Class: Great UU Sermons
Long-time member Roy Miller is offering an ongoing monthly series studying a classic sermon from an important UU Minister from history, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Theodore Parker. Meetings are on Zoom on the second Thursday of each month at 3:00pm. For more information and to register, visit our Adult Classes page.
Share the Plate: Arizona Helping Hands
The Arizona Helping Hands group is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing essential services to children in foster care through their programs that promote safety, permanency and health. Arizona Helping Hands focuses their work on providing programs for foster and kindship families. Programs include providing children with a safe place to sleep and other basic
Share the Plate: December 24, 2022 – Minister’s Discretionary Fund
Reverend Christine uses this fund for needs in our congregation and the community that might not otherwise be met with congregational resources—especially for those who are in crisis or have immediate financial needs. Within our congregation, the fund was critical during the pandemic and is still helping to support folks who come down with COVID.
Adult Classes Beginning in Early 2023
UUCP is offering four adult classes beginning in the new year: For more information and to register, visit our Adult Classes page.