All our announcements and events are listed below, with the most recently-published first. You can use the list of categories in the sidebar to view items from selected topics.
You’re Invited to Our Celebration for Neighborhoods
Sunday, March 19 - 12:00pm MST Come enjoy a Celebration for our UUCP Neighborhoods and reconnect with your neighbors Sunday, March 19th, directly following service. A table will be set up for each neighborhood.
New Member Recognition on March 19
Sunday, March 19 - 10:30am MST The service on Sunday, March 19, will include recognizing new members. If formally joining our community feels right to you and you would like to be included on March 19, then please email so we can adequately prepare. We present a rose to new members and so want to make sure we have enough. Also,
Stewardship Campaign Starts Now!
Stewardship Campaign Starts Now! Commit to care for and preserve UUCP.
Submit Your Candidates For Leadership This Week!
If you are a member who would like to get more involved in our congregation's leadership, or if you know another member you’d like to suggest, please complete this form
Animating Faith Update
Earlier this year ours teens at UUCP began collaborating on an “animating faith” class. This class has been an exploratory place for our youth to reflect on their UU values through the artistic lens of stop motion. The class has also served as a platform for re-establishing youth covenants and discussing how we want to
UUCP Book Discussion Group Meeting – 3/5
Sunday, March 5 - 11:45am MST The UUCP Book Discussion Group will meet on Zoom at 11:45am on Sunday, March 5. The group will discuss Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of The Quiet Before: On the Unexpected Origins of Radical Ideas by Gal Beckerman. Chapter 4 is about the role of newspapers in overthrowing colonialism in African countries. Chapter 5 is
Notes From Your Dance Partner – March 2, 2023
I love Stewardship time. Like a little bit unusually much. I love it because it inherently is a time when we can dream, scheme and plan. It is the time we consider what this congregation means to us. While it is about financial support, it has never been JUST about financial support to me. Instead,
Share the Plate: Project Roots
Wednesday, March 1 - March 31, 2023 The UUCP Share The Plate committee would like to introduce you to Project Roots. The mission of this non-profit organization based in Phoenix, AZ, is to nourish and educate communities in need by promoting a healthier, natural, and more sustainable way of urban living. Co-founded by Bridget Pettis and Arizona Native Dionne Washington in late
Donate Items for Food Bank Collection – Starts This Sunday
The Civic Engagement team will be at the back table in the sanctuary March 5, 12 and 19 to collect your donations to the Paradise Valley Community Food Bank. The food bank services the entire PV School District, which is outside the Town of PV. You will also be able to drop off your contributions
Children’s Ministry Update!
We are sending Children’s Ministry to Our Whole Lives training! Our staff and volunteers will be joining UU’s from across the state to increase access to comprehensive sex ed in Tucson from Friday, March 3rd- Sunday, March 5th – which is wonderful and exciting! It also means there will be no Children’s Ministry programming after
Tell the EPA You’d Like Cleaner Air
Sunday, 3/5 and 3/12, Earth Justice has postcards to send the EPA about setting a new standard for soot and air quality. See Compass for ways to do this online.
Join Our Spirituality of Ageing Small Group
The Spirituality of Ageing Small Group wishes to add new members to a core group of older adults, who meet on Zoom every other week on Tuesday at 2:30pm to discuss topics of interest to the group. Material for each meeting’s discussion is emailed in advance.