All our announcements and events are listed below, with the most recently-published first. You can use the list of categories in the sidebar to view items from selected topics.

A New Way In!

Get ready for a transformation! Imagine walking up to our building and being greeted by sleek and modern automatic sliding doors. No more struggling with the heavy single door. Our new front doors will make coming and going a breeze. The installation is tentatively scheduled to begin on January 13. By the time you arrive

A picture of a heart with black text announcing 30 days of love for 2023.

Announcing 30 Days of Love

The Unitarian Universalist Association is promoting 30 Days of Love between MLK Day and Valentine’s Day with a month of spiritual nourishment, political grounding, and shared practices of faith and justice. There will be messages, body practices, prayers, and stories that will ground you in the theme of the week. Covering topics from democracy to reproductive justice

Traveling 2nd Fridays: Maricopa Trail

Please join Jan Kaplan on January 20, either in the sanctuary at UUCP or on Zoom. (Note: masks are required while you are inside any UUCP building.) Meeting ID: 871 8102 4474 | Passcode: 009230 January 20, 7:00 – 8:00pm During the pandemic, Jan & Helen walked the entire Maricopa Trail around Maricopa County, learning

A picture of people celebrating the holidays near a decorated tree.

Navigators New Year Update

Happy New year to everyone in our UUCP Navigators group. We ended our 2022 year with a beautiful Solstice fire! Thanks to everyone that joined us and special thanks to Len and Stephanie for hosting. We are pleased to announce a few Navigators updates for the months of January and February. We will have our

Update on Ukraine Fundraiser Concert

On April 14, 2022, UUCP hosted a fundraiser concert by the Urban Nocturnes, a modular chamber music ensemble made up of six outstanding professional classical musicians, all based in Phoenix, AZ. Proceeds from the concert were donated to two groups working to address urgent humanitarian needs in Ukraine. Half went to the Hungarian Unitarian Church,

Thursday Night Drop-in Small Group

This small group is an excellent way to make connections within the UUCP community for both people new to UUCP and for those who have been involved in UUCP for years. Our format is very informal as we connect with each other and/or discuss each month’s theme. Come join us! Our group meets on Zoom

A picture of the the UUCP logo next to black text.

Congregational Meeting February 5

Meeting ID: 878 1997 4988 The Mid-Year Congregational Meeting will be held Sunday, February 5, in person and on Zoom, immediately following the worship service. Join us for updates from the Board President, the Minister, the Finance Committee, and the UU Foundation Board—plus an exciting announcement about our intern minister!!! All are welcome!

Flame: Stop Motion Animation!

Control the media! In this workshop series, you will learn the basics of stop-motion animation and storytelling as a tool for expressing your values and beliefs. For ages 12-18, Sundays on the patio through February. For more information contact Jezz Putnam.

Imagination Celebration!

Spark!  Imagination celebration, a re-occurring event every Sunday on the patio through February for 5-12 year olds. Explore the wild world of your imagination. We will explore themes of community and innovation as UU values. For more information, contact children’s ministry.

2023 UUA Elections Announcement

The UUA Presidential Search Committee (PSC) has nominated the Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt as candidate for UUA President, for the 2023-2029 term. Rev. Dr. Betancourt is an experienced leader and theologian in Unitarian Universalism, including formerly serving as a professor at Starr King School for the Ministry, and as Interim Co-President of the UUA in