All our announcements and events are listed below, with the most recently-published first. You can use the list of categories in the sidebar to view items from selected topics.

Foundation Board Chats re Amended Articles & Bylaws

Sunday, April 23 - April 30, 2023 - 11:30am MST Save the dates to learn, and ask questions, about the Foundation’s Amended (and Restated) Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. At the Annual Meeting this year, UUCP members—who are also members of the UU Foundation of Phoenix—will be asked to approve updated and amended Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. There will be 3 sessions: April 23 &

April Flame Dinner

Friday, April 21 - 6:30pm MST Youth Ages 15-18, let’s eat! Join us for a purely social dinner together, a chance to hang out, talk, and laugh. Please register to receive restaurant location and details!

Buy Tish Gauntt’s book, Sitting Upright, After the Service

Sunday, May 21 - 11:30am MST Tish Gauntt has donated copies of her book of poetry, Sitting Upright, for sale for donations to benefit the Church.  Tish is a longtime UUCP member and has filled many roles, including editing the Church’s poetry magazine, Poikilos, serving on the Board, and giving mental health sermons.  Tish currently resides at the Beatitudes Campus of

UUCP Stewardship logo on a white background.

Stewardship Campaign – Not Too Late to Make a Pledge!

A sincere thank you for committing to be present and accountable for the care and preservation of UUCP. With your participation, we consent to be counted among the members and friends of UUCP. Throughout March, we thought about what UUCP means to each of us, and shared our thoughts in this word cloud: At the

UUJAZ logo next to the UUCP Share the Plate logo on a white background

Share the Plate: UUJAZ

Saturday, April 1 - April 30, 2023 Unitarian Universalist Justice Arizona Network (UUJAZ) is Arizona’s statewide justice ministry. We engage Arizona Unitarian Universalists in justice making through strengthening congregational social justice ministries, connecting UU activists and congregations across the state, partnering with like-minded justice organizations, and empowering UUs to work for socially just public policy. UUJAZ seeks to energize people of faith to

UUCP Book Discussion Group Meeting

Sunday, April 2 - 11:45am MST The next UUCP Book Discussion Group Zoom meeting will be at 11:45am on Sunday, 4/2/23. We will be discussing Chapter 2, “Taking on Trump,” and Chapter 3, “The Fight to Build Back Better,” in It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism by Bernie Sanders. Please join us on Zoom: Meeting ID: 819 2168 7099 |

A group of kids sitting on a stone wall while out hiking.

April Liberty Wildlife Events

Monday, April 10 - 6:00pm MST Thanks to everyone that came out to our March hike at the Hassayampa river preserve. Our next event is Monday April 10 at 6:00pm. We will be meeting in the Johnson room on campus for a screening of the newly released PBS film “the Weight of a Feather”. This film is both about the greater

Earth Justice Meeting Date Change for April

Sunday, April 2 - 1:30pm MST Because 4/9/23 is Easter Sunday, our regular monthly meeting will be held on Sunday, 4/2/23 on Zoom: Meeting ID: 929 0550 6684 | Earth We will discussing plans for Earth Day, possible book discussion, links to films and podcasts, and regular reports about other partner organizations.  Newcomers are welcome.