All our announcements and events are listed below, with the most recently-published first. You can use the list of categories in the sidebar to view items from selected topics.

A group of kids on the trail during the last Navigators outdoor hike.

Navigators News!

Thank you to everyone that attended our first group hike last weekend. Attendees enjoyed an extremely hospitable climate as we meandered along the preserves’ cottonwood tree lined dragonfly trail. Our next group hike will take place on February 25 at the Gilbert Riparian Preserve. More information on that hike can be found below. Social Meetup

A picture of the HYC logo over the UUCP Share the Plate logo.

Share the Plate: Homeless Youth Connection

Homeless Youth Connection (HYC) offers a comprehensive services program that engages high school-aged youth who are experiencing homelessness. HYC assists them in overcoming barriers to completing high school, graduating, and creating a plan for the future. HYC serves homeless youth, 13–21 years of age, who attend high school in Maricopa County and Coconino County, AZ.

Dhaa School of Music Recital

Saturday, March 25 - 4:00pm MST Local school of tabla's annual recital in the UUCP sanctuary, with many young students performing. Not a UUCP event, but free and open to the public.

Traveling 2nd Friday – Turkmenistan & Uzbekistan

Friday, February 10 - 7:00pm MST Please join Barbara and Dave Cawthorne on February 10, either in the sanctuary at UUCP or on Zoom. (Note: masks are now optional at UUCP.) Meeting ID:  871 8102 4474 | Passcode: 009230. February 10, 7:00 – 8:00pm Barbara and Dave Cawthorne explored cities on the ancient Silk Road in Central Asia. They visited many wealthy

Signing Ceremony: “Complete Divestment from the Fossil Fuel Industry and Subsequent Reparations”

An incredible group of UU young adults and passionate climate justice fighters have created a business resolution proposal that calls on the UUA to fully divest from the fossil fuel industry and redistribute those investments as reparations to Indigenous, Black, and brown communities. Join us after service on Sunday as our 10 UUCP representatives add their names!

A picture of a heart with black text announcing 30 days of love for 2023.


The Unitarian Universalist Association is promoting 30 Days of Love between MLK Day and Valentine’s Day with a month of spiritual nourishment, political grounding, and shared practices of faith and justice. There will be messages, body practices, prayers, and stories that will ground you in the theme of the week. Covering topics from democracy to reproductive justice

A picture of the Arizona Desert.

Navigators Update for January

Thank you everyone that made it to our first meeting of the year. We are excited about our upcoming hike this weekend. This is going to be our very first off campus hike since our group has existed. It is great to finally reach a point where we can come together and enjoy our connection

A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

Notes From Your Dance Partner – January 26, 2023

I got so much reaction on this past Sunday’s service on ableism and disability theology. It seemed to resonate with so many of you with your personal stories of disability AND your stories about what you were taught in your early religious days. Like racism, misogyny, heteronormativity, ageism, and all the other isms that separate