All our announcements and events are listed below, with the most recently-published first. You can use the list of categories in the sidebar to view items from selected topics.

We Closed the Gap! - bar chart showing that we raised our goal of $36K

Together, We Did It!

With the extreme generosity of 70 members, we have attained the goal of $36,000 for our Close the Gap campaign. These results bring our budget deficit for the upcoming year down to $34,000, which we will continue to work toward raising during the upcoming year. The Close the Gap email and donation option will remain active. At any time during the year, if you feel like you could increase your pledge or contribute to this cause of running our community, please give by emailing You are all appreciated for your generosity of time, talent, and...

UUCP Book Discussion Group Meeting

Sunday, June 25 - 11:45am MST The UUCP Book Discussion Group will meet on Zoom at 11:45am on 6/25.  The group will discuss Chapters Twelve through Fourteen and “Coda Part II: It Does Not Follow” in Seek and Hide: The Tangled History of the Right to Privacy by Amy Gajda.   Join us on Zoom: Meeting ID: 819 2168 7099 |

UUCP Book Discussion Group Meeting

Sunday, June 18 - 11:45am MST The UUCP Book Discussion Group will meet on Zoom at 11:45am on 6/18. The group will discuss Chapters Eight through Eleven in Seek and Hide: The Tangled History of the Right to Privacy by Amy Gajda. Join us on Zoom: Meeting ID: 819 2168 7099 Passcode: 033576

Petition to EPA to Curb Pollution- Which Takes no Vacation!

Sunday, June 18 - 10:30am MST Pollution doesn’t take a vacation!!  Earth Justice will have a petition to urge the EPA to set new federal limits on climate pollution from power plants.  Please stop by a table in the back of the sanctuary to sign on Sundays, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2 and 9/23.   “The most important proposed rule is the new Carbon

Earth Justice In Person Meeting Time Change Reminder

Sunday, June 18 - 12:30pm MST Just a friendly reminder, we will be meeting at 12:30pm, instead of the previously 12:00pm meeting time. We will meet in Annex H after Sunday service. Climate Change doesn’t take a summer vacation! Refreshments will be served. Newcomers are welcome!

A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

Notes From Your Dance Partner – June 15

What a year this has been! We’ve been back in person for over a year now. We went through so many discussions around masking and finally went to mask-optional in January. We started singing together in March. With all of that, we are still dealing with the effects of the pandemic–mental health challenges from the

Close the Gap! / A 2-bar histogram / Email to help

You Can Help Us Close the Gap at UUCP!

In order to act in all the ways that support our values, we need to support ourselves, including our staff, to be able to make our programming a reality and fulfill our commitments to our community. This upcoming year is critical to create growth within our UUCP community. At our annual meeting on June 11, we approved a budget of $595,000. We are currently $65,000 short of that goal. Together, we can Close the Gap!

The 2022-2023 Annual Report is Here!

The 2022-2023 Annual Report is here! In this report, you will be able to read reviews of our year from our boards, committees, teams, minister and staff. It is a treasure trove of information but also a source of amazement of everything that is happening here at UUCP.  We hope you will spend some time

A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

Notes From Your Dance Partner – June 8

This week is my favorite time of the year–our Congregational Meeting. Yes, you read that right, I love the Congregational Meeting. It is the time in the year when we practice our democratic process in electing our leaders, approving the budget that reflects our values and looking at the ways that we collectively govern ourselves