All our announcements and events are listed below, with the most recently-published first. You can use the list of categories in the sidebar to view items from selected topics.

Intern minister Brigitta Vieyra standing on rocks near the water

Field Notes From Your Ministerial Intern

ED: Note. For the summer, our Ministerial intern Brigitta Vieyra will be taking over Reverend Christine’s Notes From Your Dance Partner column, and as per her request, the column name has temporarily changed to Field Notes From Your Ministerial Intern. Earlier this week, Benjie Messer and I were able to attend a Rally for Climate

Navigators SAWUURA Campout Meeting

Sunday, August 20 - 12:00pm MST “SAWUURA” stands for “Sierra Ancha Wilderness Unitarian Universalist Association”. The purpose of SAWUURA is to provide a religious, educational, and spiritual center for members and friends of Unitarian Universalist congregations. We will be meeting in the Sanctuary after Coffee Hour on Sunday, August 20, to discuss the September camping trip to the UU “SAWUURA” campsite.

UUCP Book Discussion Group Meeting

Sunday, August 6 - 11:45am MST The next UUCP Book Discussion Group Zoom meeting will be at 11:45am on Sunday, August 6, 2023.  The group will discuss Chapter Six, “The Fun House Mirror,” and Chapter Seven, “The Germs and the Wind,” in The Chaos Machine: The Inside Story of How Social Media Rewired Our Minds by Max Fischer.   Join us

August Flame Dinner

Friday, August 18 - 6:30pm MST Youth Ages 15-18, let’s eat! Join us for a purely social dinner together, a chance to hang out, talk, and laugh. Please register to receive restaurant location and details!

Maryland School logo over the UUCP Share the Plate logo

Share the Plate: Maryland School

Tuesday, August 1 - August 31, 2023 Maryland School is planning to expand its outdoor education model and involve the entire faculty and all students, encouraging and mentoring them to spend more of their learning time outside in all areas of the curriculum. We are supporting this ambitious project by helping purchase additional tables and benches for use in the outdoor classroom areas.

Intern minister Brigitta Vieyra standing on rocks near the water

Field Notes From Your Ministerial Intern

ED: Note. For the summer, our Ministerial intern Brigitta Vieyra will be taking over Reverend Christine’s Notes From Your Dance Partner column, and as per her request, the column name has temporarily changed to Field Notes From Your Ministerial Intern. As a people of possibility, we’ve been exploring the ways in which our faith tradition

Abolition classroom is closed. Please visit our website.

Tuesday, July 25 - 8:15am MST Thanks everyone that took time to visit the Abolition Classroom while we were open. To prepare for fall arriving on campus, the classroom has moved to a website resource now. Thanks for all of the conversations and fun times. Our navigators group will continue to work within an abolitionist scope in everything we do. We

UUCP Book Discussion Group Meeting

Sunday, July 30 - 11:45am MST The next UUCP Book Discussion Group Zoom meeting will be at 11:45am on Sunday, July 30. The group will discuss Chapters Four and Five in The Chaos Machine: The Inside Story of How Social Media Rewired Our Minds by Max Fischer. Chapter Four is titled “The Tyranny of Cousins.” Chapter Five is “Awakening the Machine”.

Earth Justice Ministry – “The Letter” Film and Discussion

Sunday, July 30 - 12:00pm MST “The Letter” is about 4 people invited by the Pope to the Vatican to discuss the effects of climate change on their lives. Videos of damage and destruction, hope and advocacy are shown. We will discuss it afterwards.   Please join us in Annex B after worship. Light refreshments will be served.

Intern minister Brigitta Vieyra standing on rocks near the water

Field Notes From Your Ministerial Intern

ED: Note. For the summer, our Ministerial intern Brigitta Vieyra will be taking over Reverend Christine’s Notes From Your Dance Partner column, and as per her request, the column name has temporarily changed to Field Notes From Your Ministerial Intern. This week, I saw my first intense dust storm, or haboob, here in the Valley