All our announcements and events are listed below, with the most recently-published first. You can use the list of categories in the sidebar to view items from selected topics.
Come Get To Know UUCP
Sunday, December 1 - 12:00pm MST Come learn more about our congregation and community after the Sunday service. Pick up some refreshments in the Johnson Room and then bring them and your questions to Room 12 down along the curved hallway. We look forward to getting to know you as you get to know UUCP.
Now Available – Soul Matters Monthly Packet
The Soul Matters small group packet is filled with thought-provoking material. Available each month, it is the focus of some of our small groups. At your request, we are now making the current month’s copy available to anyone who wants it. We have a few printed copies in the rack in the lobby area of
Learn About Making and Documenting Your Advance Healthcare Directive
Sunday, December 1 - 10:00am MST Who will communicate your preferences to healthcare providers and caregivers if you can’t? Learn about selecting a healthcare power of attorney and registering your advance healthcare directive.
Our People Gonna Rise! An Emma’s Revolution Concert
Sunday, December 8 - 3:00pm MST “Our People Gonna Rise!” An Emma’s Revolution Concert to Benefit UURISE Sunday, December 8, 2 p.m. Reception, 3 p.m. Concert At UUCP and via livestream Buy Tickets As Unitarian Universalists across the nation reaffirm our unwavering commitment to human rights in the face of fascism, we invite you to support a beloved UU organization: UURISE (Unitarian Universalist
Captain’s Log: Stardate 298035.52 – Mission Debrief
Mission Report: Our journey to the Futuristic Fundraiser: Sci-Fi Edition was an interstellar triumph! The coordination, execution, and the remarkable participation from both the crew and guests have made this event a beacon of hope and unity across the UUCP galaxy. Commendations: Mission Highlights: Let it be known across the stars; this fundraiser stands as
Make A Holiday Card, A Gift of Hope
Sunday, November 24 - 11:30am MST Thousands of asylum seekers are held in three detention centers in Arizona. Immediately after service this Sunday, November 24, come to the patio to make holiday cards for people who are detained. All materials will be provided, as officials have rules about what can come into the detention centers. Your card will likely be the
Beth Ami Temple Finds its New Home at UUCP
UUCP is delighted to welcome Beth Ami Temple to make its home on our campus; its first service with us was held on Friday, November 8. Beth Ami congregation and Board members brought their Torah scrolls from their previous place of worship, processing in with them through the courtyard entrance, past the mezuzah hung there.
Notes From Your Dance Partner
A Time for Radical Welcome Over the last two weeks, we’ve seen a wonderful and inspiring increase in attendance at UUCP. Two weeks ago, we saw about 40 more people than usual and this past Sunday, we saw almost 30 more than that. We also had about 32 kids for Children’s Ministry. The energy in
Come Discuss the Final Chapters of “Hope for Cynics”
Sunday, November 24 - 9:00am MST Our meeting on Sunday, Nov. 24 will be from 9:00am to 10:15am in Annex B. We will be discussing the final chapters of Hope for Cynics – The Surprising Science of Human Goodness, by Jamil Zaki. Those chapters are “The Optimism of Activism” and “Our Common Fate.” Our discussions of this book often revolve around what
Notes From Your Dance Partner
I am writing this on a Tuesday evening, just after returning from seeing Sweet Honey In The Rock at the Musical Instrument Museum. As they broke into Ella’s song, which we have sung at UUCP, tears started running down my cheek. Written about the Civil Rights activist Ella Baker, the words are: I swear it
Memorial Service for Marina Hoffman
Sunday, November 24 - 1:00pm MST The Memorial Service for Marina Hoffman will be on Sunday, November 24th at 1pm, following worship. It will be held in the Memorial Garden, Marina’s favorite place. After sharing memories of Marina, those who are able will go and visit her watering hole and collect brush, just as she would.
Last Week For Sanctuary Art
This is the last Sunday for the current sanctuary art show of members’ art. The youth from the Afghan family whose work is on the back wall have offered to sell their paintings and paper craft for half the listed price. Contact our administrator Stephanie at to purchase any of the art.