All our announcements and events are listed below, with the most recently-published first. You can use the list of categories in the sidebar to view items from selected topics.

UUCP Earth Justice logo (green cactus with pink flowers in a brown chalice, surrounded by a blue circle) over a view of open desert with mountains in the distance

Earth Justice Ministry Monthly Meeting

Sunday, January 12 - 12:00pm MST Please join us to plan for our upcoming UU Climate Change Revival, scheduled for 2/1/25. You may bring refreshments from the Coffee Hour. Minutes and Agendas will be available at the meeting. Newcomers are welcome.

Soul Matters Monthly Packet For January

The Soul Matters small group packet is filled with thought-provoking material. Available each month, it is the focus of some of our small groups. At your request, we are now making the current month’s copy available to anyone who wants it. We have a few printed copies in the rack in the lobby area of

Volunteering in the Larger Community

Share the Plate and Participation Teams are collaborating to offer our Congregation a variety of ways to share our talents in the wider community. When Share the Plate is vetting an organization, they are not only discovering their need for our treasure but also for our time. A new group has been added in January

Keeping the faith book cover by Brenda Wineapple

Come Discuss “Keeping the Faith” by Wineapple

Sunday, January 12 - 9:00am MST The next UUCP Book Discussion Group will meet in Annex B on Sunday, January 12, 2025 from 9:00am to 10:15am. We will discuss Chapters 6, 7, and 8 of Keeping the Faith: God, Democracy, and the Trial That Riveted a Nation by Brenda Wineapple. This is an exploration of the events during and surrounding the Scopes

Join Us for the Mid-Year Congregational Meeting

Sunday, February 2 - 11:30am MST The Mid-Year Congregational Meeting will be held Sunday, February 2, in person and on Zoom, immediately following the worship service. Join us for updates from the Board Co-Presidents, the Minister, and the Finance Committee. All are welcome!

February 1 | 9am - 3pm | 2 stylized heads with flowers and the earth, facing each other | logo of green cactus with pink flowers in a brown chalice, inside a blue circle

It Takes All of Us to Help the Earth

Saturday, February 1 - 9:00am MST Please plan to attend our Climate Change Revival on Saturday, February 1, from 9am – 3pm. We need all of you to: identify opportunities for climate justice in our unique context; develop a vision of a flourishing future/ and understand your role in the interdependent ecosystem of creating climate justice and collective liberation

A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

Notes From Your Dance Partner

Happy New Year! I have a confession: I’m not a fan of new year’s resolutions. As I’ve aged, I’ve realized that most of the resolutions that are typical and that I had made were shame-based and “should”-based. Resolutions like losing weight, meditating more, exercising more and the like were always things that I felt like

a symbolic representation of two heads facing each other on a grey background.

Would You Like to Change the World?

Sunday, January 5 - January 26, 2025 - 10:00am MST In her book, “Social Change Now: A Guide for Reflection and Connection”, Deepa Iyer outlines a social change ecosystem framework for bringing about social justice change. It is organized as self-help workbook, and builds on the work of Grace Lee Boggs, Nikki Giovanni and bell hooks. It was recommended to us for planning the Climate

A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

Notes From Your Dance Partner

As the holiday season approaches, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for this vibrant and caring community. The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix has been a source of light and love throughout this eventful year, and I am continually inspired by the ways we support one another and live out