Donate Directly
Give Online
You can donate directly to various funds (Stewardship, Minister’s Discretionary Fund, Children’s Ministry Registration, etc.) via credit card or checking account (ACH) through Realm. You can make a single donation to a specific fund, or you can set up recurring payments. Use the Memo field to include any specific details about your donation. You don’t need a Realm account to do this!
Share the Plate
Our Share the Plate ministry is one way we breathe life into our commitment to be agents of change in our community. Each month we split our weekly offering 50/50 with a different organization. You can view the current and past recipients on our Share the Plate page.
Text to Give
In addition to accessing Realm through a browser, you can donate via text.
- Text UUCP$ to 73256
- Follow the instructions in the reply message to access and complete the donation form
Mail or Drop Off a Check
Make your check payable to UUCP and include a memo describing what the donation is for. Mail the check to:
4027 E. Lincoln Drive
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
When the campus is open, you can also drop off your check in person.
Other Options
- Donate through PayPal
- Contact to arrange to donate via:
- Stock donation
- IRA distribution
- Automatic bill pay from bank
Support UUCP While You Shop
Support UUCP at Fry’s
Create a digital account at Fry’s, then link your Shopper’s Card to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix account. Your purchases will support UUCP at no extra cost to you.
Chalice Keepers
Visit our Chalice Keepers page to learn about Legacy Giving at UUCP.