The information you submit will be reviewed and may be modified before publication. You are responsible for ensuring that:

  • the information you provide is accurate and clear
  • you do not include personal email addresses or phone numbers
  • any links go to the correct location
  • links appear in plain text format like UUCP website, not visible URLs like
  • you submit the information not later than 1:00pm on Tuesday if you would like it published in that week’s Compass

If you are planning an event on campus, please use the Request Space at UUCP form before you submit your announcement so that we won’t have to change details if your plans conflict with another event.

For more information about announcements at UUCP, please read the Announcement Submission Overview document. If you have questions, please contact

General Information

This is only if we need to contact you. It will not be published with the announcement.
If you are submitting an announcement for future publication, you can request a publication date. Otherwise, your announcement will be published as soon as possible (probably within a few days, unless your announcement involves special requirements like a registration form).
Please provide any additional information the webmaster might need to know about your announcement, including whether you need a registration form. If so, please list the information you need to collect in that form.

Announcement Details for Publication

This will determine where your announcement appears on the website in addition to the homepage. If you don’t make a choice, it will be Congregation News.
DO NOT INCLUDE A DATE IN THE TITLE; that will be added where necessary for one-time events. Try to use a call to action like “Help Us Help the Unhoused” or “Join Us to Discuss the Upcoming Election”.
The UUCP email address will be appended to your announcement like this: “For more information, contact:”.
You do not need to include contact information for people who have questions; that is covered by the email address you provided above. Personal email addresses and phone numbers are not allowed and will be deleted.
This summary can only contain plain text (no formatting or links), will appear when your announcement is on the website homepage, and may be used in Compass with a “Read more” link to the full content on the website. If you don’t submit a summary, the first 30 words of the full announcement will serve as the summary.