Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest - UUCP Share the Plate

Share the Plate: October 10, 2021 – I-HELP

INTERFAITH HOMELESS EMERGENCY LODGING PROGRAM (IHELP) The Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program (I-HELP), a program of Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest, partners with churches and community groups to shelter people experiencing homelessness while I-HELP case managers transition program participants from crisis to stability. LSS I-HELP shelters 30-40 people every night in the cities of

Hope's Crossing - UUCP Share the Plate

Share the Plate: September 12, 2021 – Hope’s Crossing

Hope’s Crossing is an organization dedicated to serving women who are reclaiming their lives from the cycles of physical and emotional abuse, trauma, sexual assault, addiction, incarceration, and homelessness. Hope’s Crossing offers job skills training and a program of emotional support geared toward rebuilding self-confidence, unveiling a sense of self-worth, and promoting whole and healthy

Habitat for Humanity - Share the Plate

Share the Plate: August 15, 2021 – Habitat for Humanity

With a vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live, Habitat for Humanity Central Arizona was born out of the need to provide affordable housing for hardworking, low-income families. Each family partners with Habitat volunteers to build their home, and at the end, they purchase it from Habitat at a 0%

No More Deaths - No Más Muertes - Share the Platea

Share the Plate: July 25, 2021 – No More Deaths

The mission of No More Deaths (NMD) is to end death and suffering in the Mexico-US borderlands through civil initiative: people of conscience working openly and in community to uphold fundamental human rights. This work includes running a humanitarian aid camp in the remote desert, leaving water and food on migrant trails, operating a search

Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest - UUCP Share the Plate

Share the Plate: June 13, 2021 – Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest

Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest (LSS-SW) is an Arizona nonprofit serving refugees, asylum seekers, foster children, young families, older adults, people with disabilities, and those experiencing hunger and homelessness. Founded by Lutheran congregations in 1970, LSS-SW serves and partners with people of all faiths and backgrounds. Since 1975, Lutheran Social Services has been resettling

Puente Movement - UUCP Share the Plate

Share the Plate: May 30, 2021 – Puente Human Rights Movement

Puente Human Rights Movement is a grassroots human rights organization centered on improving the quality of life for Arizona’s most marginalized communities. Their mission is to educate, organize, and empower our communities to unite and build political power in a collective effort to bring about lasting change to our state. They envision a world where