UUCP Needs Some Help With YouTube

Do you watch our Sunday services on YouTube? If you sometimes watch our services on YouTube on Sundays, UUCP’s tech team could use your help! We need a few YouTube monitors to watch and stay in touch with us about any problems on occasional Sundays. If this sounds like a job for you, please email

Maryland School logo over photo of outside of building

Maryland School Students Need Your Help

When school starts on August 8, Alan will be in fourth grade. He came to Maryland School last year, his third school in four years. With all the changes, Alan is way behind expectations for his grade level, has had difficulty making friends, and is not feeling successful at all. Please consider coming to school

"The Story of Plastic" YouTube thumbnail

“The Story of Plastic”

We are all aware of the need to reduce plastic in our world. A professor studying plastic in the environment said we ingest a credit card’s worth of plastic each week—from our water, food and air. Please join us (masked) in the Johnson Room on Tuesday, July 19, at 6:30pm to watch “The Story of