Phoenix Pride Parade

The Phoenix Pride parade is Sunday, October 16, at 10:00am. Please plan to be in the staging area by 9:45am. Our float number is 181. The approximate location to meet is on Oak St between Virginia and Sheridan. If you would like to carpool meet at UUCP parking lot at 8:45am to carpool to the

"Milkweed for Monarchs" white text over photo of monarch butterfly on milkweed plants, Earth Justice Ministry logo in lower left

Milkweed for Monarchs Available

Milkweed will help Monarch butterflies reproduce and rebuild their numbers. Please stop by the table at the back of the Sanctuary to sign up for plants. This just helps us know how many to get from the Desert Botanical Garden. They will be available for sale at $10, only one weekend (tba) in November. So