Phoenix Pride logo, "Phoenix Pride Parade", photo of UUCP group at the parade Oct 16, 2022, photo by V Myers

Phoenix Pride Parade Recap & Photos

What a great time we had at the Pride Parade on Sunday! We had almost 50 UUCP folks and friends there, with banners inviting all to check us out and signs with our 8 principles. The crowd was abundant and so happy to be gathering and together. They were glad to see a house of worship

A picture of Monarch Butterflies in flight near a flower

Sale of Milkweed for Monarchs

The Earth Justice Ministry will have pre-ordered, one-gallon milkweed plants for sale at UUCP for $10 each. We only accept cash at this sale (sorry, no checks or credit cards). The sale will be held on Saturday and Sunday, November 12 and 13 from noon until 3 pm. You must come in person or send

Join Us for Shared Ministry Sunday – October 23

Next Sunday, October 23, there will be a service talking about the shared ministry of our congregation. We will talk about what Shared Ministry means and how it functions at UUCP, which is striving to live more and more into the concept that we all share the ministry of this congregation and the ministry in

Ideas for Adult Classes

The Adult Faith Development team is starting to plan classes for Winter/Spring 2023, and beyond. Here is a list of classes that we have done before, but we are not limited to these. If you have ideas, and especially if you want to facilitate a class, please email or visit us at our table during the Shared Ministry