Futuristic hall filled with people standing or seated at tables eating

Mission: Humanity – A Futuristic Fundraiser for a Better Future

Saturday, November 9 - 5:00pm MST We’re well overdue to take a break from reality and revel in the world of Sci-Fi fantasy while raising money in support of our UUCP family and its future. Come be a part of our Futuristic Fundraiser: Sci-Fi Edition this Saturday, Nov. 9th, at the UUCP sanctuary. Doors open at 5pm. This is an optional

Christmas Caroling to our Elders

Saturday, December 7 - 12:30pm MST UUCP's Christmas caroling caravan is back! If you enjoy singing Christmas carols and spreading cheer, please join us.


Shared Ministry Sunday was a huge success thanks to all of you. We are still looking to fill positions on the following teams.

Display Your Holiday Decorations in the Sanctuary

Saturday, November 23 - 9:00am MST The Sanctuary Art Team invites you to bring decorations which represent your holiday celebrations. Decorations from Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Solstice, Saturnalia; all are welcome and encouraged. Bring your decorations to the Sanctuary on November 23, 2024 at 9:00 am. If you have any questions please email the Sanctuary Art Team at art@phoenixuu.org.