A picture of Sue Kennedy with some Cactus in the background.

Memorial Service for Sue Kennedy

Saturday, June 15 - 10:00am MST The Memorial Service for Sue Kennedy will be held at 10am on Saturday, June 15th at UUCP. We would love to have a couple of people who would be willing to pick up food and flowers at Costco that morning–at the family’s cost. Let christinedance@phoenixuu.org know if you are able to help with that.

Book Discussion: “The Pursuit of Happiness”

Sunday, June 2 - 9:00am MST The next UUCP Book Discussion Group meeting will be in Room 11 at 9:00am on Sunday, June 2. The group will discuss Chapters Eleven and Twelve in The Pursuit of Happiness: How Classical Writers on Virtue Inspired the Founders and Defined America by Jeffrey Rosen.   Chapter Eleven discusses the struggles of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick

Read bios of our UUCP 2024-2025 Leadership Candidates

The UUCP Nominating Committee is pleased to provide you with the names, bios and photos of the wonderful members who have agreed to take positions on the Board of Trustees, UU Foundation Board, and Nominating Committee for 2024-2025. You can read more about them in the Slate of Candidates for Leadership Positions at UUCP 2024-2025.

Earth Justice Meeting Date Change

Sunday, June 16 - 12:00pm MST Due to the Annual Meeting taking place on June 9, Earth Justice will have its regular monthly meeting a week later than usual–6/16/24, at noon, in the Sanctuary. 

2024 Congregational Meeting

Come join us on June 9 immediately after worship for the Congregational Meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend, but only UUCP members are eligible to vote. You can attend this meeting in person or via Zoom (Meeting ID: 878 1702 2873). In addition to the voting on the budget, we will be sharing information about