The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix strives to be a spiritual community for our time, focused on diverse theological perspectives, radical inclusion, and knowing that issues of justice and equity shape everything we do.
With a special awareness for those who have been historically marginalized, we welcome all, of every race, class, ethnicity, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious background, mental and physical ability and disability. We welcome your whole self, your family into our worship as we build a community of caring, courage, and hope.
We are passionate about anti-racism, anti-oppression, equality, and justice work. Social justice is not just a component of our ministry; it is embedded into every part of us. We strive for a multicultural anti-oppression presence in every aspect of what we do, including worship, outreach, and even committee work.
Things are always humming at UUCP. In preparation for a busy and meaningful year, our Minister and Staff are declaring August as “Take A Breath” month. The staff will be using the month for meaningful planning and preparation for the year. We encourage you to take a breath as well. For the four services of
Sunday, July 28 - 9:00am MST
On Sunday, July 28, in Room 9 of the main UUCP building, the Book Discussion Group will be discussing Chapters 1 and 2 of Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do by Michael J. Sandel. Chapter 1, “Doing the Right Thing”; Chapter 2, “The Greatest Happiness Principle / Utilitarianism”.
Help Us Close the Gap in Our Giving! To support our values and fulfill our commitments, we need your help to reach our budget goal. We’re operating on a zero-balance budget and making necessary sacrifices, but we can’t do it alone. At our annual meeting on June 9, we approved a budget of $610,000. We
Sunday, July 21 - 9:00am MST
On Sunday, July 21 in Room 9 in the UUCP main building from 9:00 AM until 10:15 AM we will be discussing Chapter 25 through Chapter 28 of Russians Among Us by Gordon Corera.
Sunday, July 14 - 9:00am MST
July 14, 9:00am, Room 9, UUCP. Discussion of Chapters 29 through 34 of “The Russians Among Us: Sleeper Cells, Ghost Stories and the Hunt for Putin’s Spies.”
Phase One of Construction is underway, and our building is undergoing massive changes! Here is what you need to know! The deadline for handing over keys to our new tenants is August 9th so things will be changing rapidly. These communications will be to keep everyone in the loop as things shift and adapt over