Kids at UUCP – Children’s Ministry Orientation

Saturday, September 7 - 12:30pm MST Join us for Family & Kid Orientation at UUCP. Learn about our children's programs, explore how we foster spiritual growth, community, and inclusivity. All families welcome! Please RSVP.

Working With Teens at UUCP

Thursday, August 29 - 6:00pm MST Join us to learn UU values guiding our teen program, best practices for discussions and activities, safety protocols, and handling challenges.

Book Discussion of “Justice: What’s the Right Thing To Do?”

Sunday, August 4 - 9:00am MST The next UUCP Book Discussion Group meeting will be in Room 9 of the UUCP main building on Sunday, September 4, from 9:00am to 10:15am. The Group will discuss Chapter 3, “Do We Own Ourselves? / Libertarianism” and Chapter 4, “Hired Help / Markets and Moralls” from the book “Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?” by Michael

Close the gap graphic.

Close the Gap – Almost There!

Help Us Close the Gap in Our Giving! To support our values and fulfill our commitments, we need your help to reach our budget goal. We’re operating on a zero-balance budget and making necessary sacrifices, but we can’t do it alone. At our annual meeting on June 9, we approved a budget of $610,000. We

August–“Take a Breath” Month

Things are always humming at UUCP. In preparation for a busy and meaningful year, our Minister and Staff are declaring August as “Take A Breath” month. The staff will be using the month for meaningful planning and preparation for the year. We encourage you to take a breath as well. For the four services of