Climate Fresk Workshop

Saturday, May 4 - 9:00am MST Climate Fresk Workshop, Saturday, May 4, in Johnson Room, 9 -12, to register: Send your name and "Fresk" at , $10 cash donation for materials requested at door.

“Common Ground” film screening

Sunday, April 21 - 11:45am MST Do you wonder what makes vegetables and fruits more nutritious? Good Earth or healthy soil is the best starting place!! Please join us after the service Sunday 4/21 for a screening of “Common Ground”, an 87 min. film with Woody Harrell. It talks about no or low-till, regenerative farming as a way to create healthier soil and

Earth Justice Ministry Monthly Meeting

Sunday, April 14 - 11:45am MST Please pick up your picnic refreshments and come to Annex H for a short Earth Justice Ministry meeting. Newcomers are welcome. We will be making plans for 2 upcoming events that we’re sponsoring. One is the screening of the film “Common Ground” on Sunday 4/21 after the service, and to start a group to explore

SRP Boards and Council Election (3/6 – 4/2) Information

Sunday, March 10 - March 17, 2024 - 10:00am MST We are considering holding an educational event about a group called on Sunday right after the service. It is important we know how many people will attend. Please RSVP  to if you will be attending. Thank you. The Election for SRP Board and Council seats is coming up soon. If you pay SRP for

Earth Justice Ministry In Person Meeting Update

Sunday, March 10 - June 8, 2025 - 12:30pm MST Starting March 10, Earth Justice Ministry will hold in-person monthly meetings on the second Sunday of the month at 12:30 in Annex H. Due to the hour, hearty refreshments will be served. Newcomers are welcome.

Earth Justice Regular Monthly Meeting

Sunday, February 11 - 1:30pm MST Our February Meeting will take place only online. Guests and new members are welcome. You may join our Zoom Meeting at: Meeting ID: 929 0550 6684 | Passcode: Earth I am happy to share that we will begin in-person meetings again next month. They will be held in the Johnson Room at 1:30 on the