Every signature counts! Sign up for training and collect signatures on the non-partisan abortion access petitions from your like-minded network of family and friends. No need to approach strangers or knock on doors. Even one or two signatures will make a difference. Get more information, and if you have questions, email us.
Your Civic Engagement team is forming a hub for distribution and collection of the AZ Abortion Access petition. Starting October 22, petitions will be available to sign at the back table before and after many services, AND we are able to train you on Zoom or in person to collect signatures yourselves. We are in
Join us in making PB & J sandwiches in Office 2 after service Sunday, October 15. UUCP will become a part of the extended heat relief network by continuing to feed the unsheltered. This is our chance to be helping hands in serving our wider Phoenix community. Your Civic Engagement team is forming a hub
Join us in making PB&J sandwiches in Office 2 after service Sunday, October 15. UUCP will become a part of the extended heat relief network by continuing to feed the unsheltered. This is our chance to be helping hands in serving our wider Phoenix community. The Phoenix City Council will be voting on parking reform
A new initiative for AZ Abortion Access, if an adequate number of signatures are collected, would put the abortion rights question before voters on the November 2024 ballot. Our Civic Engagement team will make the petitions available at the back table on various Sundays throughout the next few months.
Sunday, September 17 - 11:30am MST
After service on Sunday, September 17, your Civic Engagement and Earth Justice teams encourage you to stay after service to write and send out postcards to encourage voting among low propensity environmental voters. We will be at the back table in the sanctuary. Join us if you can.