Sunday, October 20 - 11:30am MST
Pick up a few postcards and stamps at the back table this Sunday, to help UUCP get out the vote. Write a brief message and mail them on Oct. 29th. Watch the Civic Engagement web page for more opportunities to engage in specific actions to promote this crucial election.
As you know, the ballot for this election will be two pages long, with numerous county and state propositions, as well as judges to vote on. The information given in the Ballot Guide you receive in the mail is often incomplete or misleading. The links below give you information from Civic Engagement Beyond Voting (CEBV)
Join us to Get Out the Vote (GOTV) by contacting Arizona voters who are very likely to vote Yes on Prop 139 Abortion Access. We need to inform these voters that Prop 139 will be on the ballot (at the bottom of the second page) and that their vote is very important. We are less
Sunday, September 29 - 10:30am MST
Next Sunday, September 29, Sam Kirkland will host a panel discussion: “Civic Engagement as a Spiritual Practice.” Plan to attend to hear from UUCP members and a guest legislator, Rev. Quantá Crews.
UU the Vote will be sending volunteers from around the US to canvass here in the Phoenix area from October 25 to November 5. If your home would accommodate one or more volunteers, fill out this form. Remember, October 7 is the last day to register to vote, and mail-in ballots will be mailed on
Sunday, September 15 - 11:45am MST
After service Sunday, please come to the back of the sanctuary to help your Civic Engagement team add a couple of sentences to letters that encourage AZ residents to vote. Also, in the September 29 service Civic Engagement will further explore joy and hope in these times with a panel headed by Sam Kirkland. Remember,