Biodiversity | UUCP Navigators | May 2022 next to block print of saguaro cactus

May Navigators: Biodiversity

Learn about the biodiversity of the Sonoran Desert and the world around us with UUCP Navigators. This month’s theme coincides with the international day for biodiversity. Our second meeting will be Monday, May 23, at 6:30pm. We will also be discussing a collaborative project between UUCP Earth Justice Ministries and our Navigators group focused on

Children’s Ministry Programming Update!

Beginning May 1, Children’s Ministry will return to offering in-person activities on Sundays! After Together Time during Service, children and youth of all ages will leave the sanctuary together and head to a shaded outdoor area. Our staff and volunteers are excited to provide space for UUCP’s children and youth to connect with friends old

Kids Kamp 2022 - Enrollment Continues!

Kids Kamp 2022: Enrollment Continues!

Wow! The reservations for Kids Kamp have been rolling in—we’re glad folks are as excited for camp as we are! We are opening additional spaces for campers attending 3 & 4 weeks of camp—if you have yet to sign up, you can still reserve your child(ren)’s space by going to, or using this QR Code: For those

Biodiversity | UUCP Navigators | May 2022 next to block print of saguaro cactus

May Navigators: Biodiversity

Learn about the biodiversity of the Sonoran Desert and the world around us with UUCP Navigators. This month’s theme coincides with the international day for biodiversity. Our first meeting will be Monday, May 9, at 6:30pm. We will also be discussing a collaborative project between UUCP Earth Justice Ministries and our Navigators group focused on

UUCP Children's Ministry | Earth Day | April 11th @ 6:30 pm | April 25th @ 6:00 pm

Earth Day with UUCP Navigators

For the month of April we will be focusing on the holiday “Earth Day”. Thanks everyone that joined us for our Monday April 11 meeting. Members learned about some of the dire environmental catastrophes that the United States were experiencing in the 1950’s and 60’s that lead to Earth Founder Gaylord Nelson (one time Governor

April Navigators Theme Is Earth Day

Special thanks to everyone that joined us for our March “Wilderness First Aid” meetings. Our April theme will be Earth Day. We are excited to announce we will be screening the new documentary “Youth V Gov” as part of this month’s theme. This event will be a part of the larger “Faith climate action week”. The