Stewardship Campaign – Almost There!

With 187 committed pledges, the current dollars per pledge is $2,562, where $3,342 ($279 per month) is required to achieve the $625,000 Stewardship Campaign goal. Please help the Stewardship team and the Board of Trustees meet our Stewardship goal. As of April 18, the Stewardship Campaign requires an additional $145,842 which must be committed to

Young Religious Unitarian Universalists - YRUU

Young Religious Unitarian Universalists (YRUU)

Sunday, April 16 - June 18, 2023 - 12:00pm MST Calling all senior high school students! Are you interested in a meaningful, joyful community experience with your peers? Join us for YRUU every Sunday after service in Annex C!

Join the Children’s Ministry Team!

Sunday, April 16 - 9:00am MST Care about kids?   Us too!   Come learn about all the ways you can support Kiddos in our UUCP community.  We need volunteers, facilitators, helpers, teachers, greeters, baby holders, sticker stickers, and on and on. We need you! Please join us in Room 9 (Children’s Ministry Resource Room).