Shared Ministry Sunday was a huge success thanks to all of you. We are still looking to fill positions on the following teams.

Display Your Holiday Decorations in the Sanctuary

Saturday, November 23 - 9:00am MST The Sanctuary Art Team invites you to bring decorations which represent your holiday celebrations. Decorations from Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Solstice, Saturnalia; all are welcome and encouraged. Bring your decorations to the Sanctuary on November 23, 2024 at 9:00 am. If you have any questions please email the Sanctuary Art Team at art@phoenixuu.org.

"Get to know UUCP" in thought bubble over photo of front of UUCP building

Come Get To Know UUCP

Sunday, November 3 - 12:00pm MST Come learn more about our congregation and community after the Sunday service. Pick up some refreshments in the Johnson Room and then bring them and your questions to Room 12 down along the curved hallway. We look forward to getting to know you as you get to know UUCP.

November Earth Justice Meeting Change of Date

Sunday, November 17 - 12:00pm MST Due to the election and the UUCP Auction, it is preferable to hold our meeting on the third Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 12 noon. We start after coffee hour to allow people sociability time. You may bring your refreshments to the meeting. Newcomers are welcome, and some other light refreshments will be provided. We

Is It Time to Formally Join Our Community?

We will be recognizing new members on Sunday, Nov 10, as part of the service. If you are ready to formally join our UUCP community, please let the Membership Team know so we can prepare. You can become a member if you have attended a Starting Point session or had a conversation with the Minister