UUCP Book Discussion Group Meeting

Sunday, September 17 - 9:00am MST The next UUCP Book Discussion Group meeting will be in-person in Annex B at UUCP at 9:00am on Sunday, September 17.  The group will discuss Chapter 2, “Silents,” in Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents—and What They Mean for America’s Future by Jean M. Twenge PhD. The “Silents” are

In-person UUCP Book Discussion Group Meeting

Sunday, September 10 - 9:00am MST IMPORTANT CHANGE:  Beginning next Sunday, September 10, the UUCP Book Discussion Group meetings will be in-person at 9:00am in Annex B at UUCP. Meetings will be before UUCP services rather than after as Zoom meetings had been.   The Book Discussion Group will begin a discussion of its next book during its first in-person meeting

Defend Atlanta Forest Speaker after Service

Sunday, September 10 - 12:15pm MST An organizer with the Defend Atlanta Forest Movement will be speaking after service on Sunday September 10th. The speaker will share insight on how police militarization not only threatens communities already at risk of police violence, yet how the expansion of police infrastructure also threatens the environment. We will also discuss local solidarity efforts to support the