UUCP Book Discussion Group Meeting

Sunday, November 19 - 9:00am MST The next UUCP Book Discussion Group meeting will be in Annex B at 9:00am on Sunday, November 19. The group will discuss Chapters Four through Seven in How to Know a Person by David Brooks.  Learning how to really know a person seems especially important in today’s polarized political environment. Please join us.  

What Is Your Most Sustainable Dream for UUCP?

This week’s Deep Dive Discussion (3D) question is: “What is your most sustainable dream for UUCP?” As we collect information through Dream Sheets and Deep Dive Discussions, we are beginning to see what is essential to many of our members. Do you have ideas that you think are important about our future? Let the Framework

Join the Fundraiser at UUCP - Saturday November 11 at 5:00px - All Board! UUCP Auction 2023

All Aboard! UUCP Fundraiser/Friendraiser Auction Listings Now Available

Saturday, November 11 - 5:00pm MST The UUCP Auction train is arriving soon! Check out the Live Auction Event Program and the Silent Auction Program listings to plan your bidding strategy. There will also be a Raffle drawing for 11 gift cards and certificates that range from $10 to $100. There is something for everyone and every budget! The doors to