Parents and Caregivers as Sexuality Educators – Update 10/28/21

Join us for “Parents and Caregivers as Sexuality Educators” in November & December – Sundays in Coffee Hour after service! This Small Group Ministry series invites adults to explore our roles as the primary sexuality educators and role models for the young people we parent. Please join us for these virtual meetups. Session 3: November

Love Will Guide Us - hand holding red heart - two pale purple hearts in corners

“Love Will Guide Us” with Children’s Ministry

Join us for Love Will Guide Us in November – Sundays in Coffee Hour after service! For ages 6-12; these 3 sessions focus on the 1st Unitarian Universalist Source, “Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the

Earth Justice Ministry Update – Oct 28, 2021

Eat Plants for the Planet! And Call Your Members of Congress – TODAY & EVERY DAY UNTIL THEY PASS THE BUILD BACK BETTER PLAN. Find the phone number for each in House of Representatives & Senate (search by State) and use our Call Script. Plus take digital action by calling and emailing Chase Bank to

UUCP November Navigators: Topographic Maps

Monday, November 8th at 6pm AZ time Join us for a discussion on the elements of topographic maps and how to use them for safer hiking and navigating in the outdoors. We will observer different sections of topographic maps for mountain ranges around Phoenix. Another part of the discussion will look at the geology of

Dia de los Muertos – Home Altar Kit

Immediately following the service this Sunday, October 24th, our Celebrations Team will be handing out creative kits for you to make your own Dia de Los Muertos Ofrenda altar. This kit has everything you need as well as instructions from our own Abuela Sylvia on how to do this. Come to the upper parking lot

Earth Justice Ministry Update – Oct 21, 2021

We urge you to call Now! Use these links to find and connect to your leaders: House of Representatives & Senate In early November, President Biden will attend the U.N.’s 26th Conference of the Parties in Glasgow. If he must report that the U.S. has, yet again, passed no concrete legislation to address the climate crisis, the other 196