A image of stick figure icons holding hands

Calling All Young Adults November 19

Are you a young adult? If you are not sure, you are!! We are intentionally leaving this wide open in the interest of radical inclusion! You are an important part of the UUCP community and Rev. Christine is holding a reception to bring you together with other young adults to explore the possibility of forming

UUSC (Unitarian Universalist Service Committe) - UUCP Share the Plate

Share the Plate: Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC)

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) is a nonprofit, nonsectarian organization advancing human rights together with an international community of grassroots partners and advocates. UUSC focuses their work on intersecting roots of injustice to defend rights at risk due to criminalization and systemic oppression of people based on their identity. They support self-determination and defend

Phoenix Pride logo, "Phoenix Pride Parade", photo of UUCP group at the parade Oct 16, 2022, photo by V Myers

Phoenix Pride Parade Recap & Photos

What a great time we had at the Pride Parade on Sunday! We had almost 50 UUCP folks and friends there, with banners inviting all to check us out and signs with our 8 principles. The crowd was abundant and so happy to be gathering and together. They were glad to see a house of worship