Adult Class: Difficult Words

Gary Ezzell is offering the class “Difficult Words”: words can be “difficult” because they have associations or connotations that we find troubling, perhaps because they were important in religious traditions that we no longer follow. We will look at some of these words, explore our reactions, and see if they can be reclaimed. The class

Sandhill cranes in flight over a field.

UUCP Navigators Mid-February Update

Thank you everyone that came out to our February Navigators Social meeting. It was the first time we held a meeting on the campus of UUCP. We were able to brainstorm numerous ideas for future events. We hope to get at least a couple more outdoor activities in, prior to the summer heat.  Our next

New Book for Discussion: The Quiet Before

The UUCP Book Discussion Group has selected as its next book for discussion. The Quiet Before: On the Unexpected Origins of Radical Ideas by Gal Beckerman. This book reveals the quiet origins of revolutionary ideas. Please join us. The Zoom meeting link is: Meeting ID: 819 2168 7099 | Passcode: 033576.