The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix strives to be a spiritual community for our time, focused on diverse theological perspectives, radical inclusion, and knowing that issues of justice and equity shape everything we do.
With a special awareness for those who have been historically marginalized, we welcome all, of every race, class, ethnicity, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious background, mental and physical ability and disability. We welcome your whole self, your family into our worship as we build a community of caring, courage, and hope.
We are passionate about anti-racism, anti-oppression, equality, and justice work. Social justice is not just a component of our ministry; it is embedded into every part of us. We strive for a multicultural anti-oppression presence in every aspect of what we do, including worship, outreach, and even committee work.
RESULTS: Our Milkweed sale was a great success! 46 plants were sold, giving the stressed Monarch population more potential breeding places. Additional donated plants are in the ground around the UUCP campus. Look for the rocks painted with Monarch butterflies, and for signs asking the landscapers not to prune the plants. We hope this gives
Are you new to UUCP? Have you not been engaged with the community for a while? Connect & Engage is a small group that is for people who want to expand their connections at UUCP. We meet on the third Thursday of the month at 6:00pm. We are starting our new group on November 17,
It was 8am in the West Bank of Palestine, but it was 11pm in Arizona on the night of the elections and I NEEDED to find out what was happening in the United States. It was a very surreal experience because just a few days before, Israel had their 5th election in 4 years (and
Whew, it’s been a long week… and we aren’t done yet. It’s been a loooong week. As I write this, most of the races have been called in AZ (the “big ones”, anyway). It’s been a mixed bag, as always. But across the country, and for the most part in AZ, voters have made it
Our UUCP teens have been learning Augmented Reality via the Hoverlay App. Our first teen project we have to share is from Nigel Perez. In his Hoverlay video you can learn about his bond with the basketball court on campus. We have included a QR code which you can scan with a smartphone camera to
The Sanctuary Art Team invites you to bring decorations which represent your holiday celebrations. Bring your decorations to the Sanctuary on December 3 at 9:00am. Decorations from Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Solstice, Saturnalia; all are welcome and encouraged. If you have any questions please email the Sanctuary Art Team.