Notes From Your Dance Partner – November 3, 2022

In the final days before the election, I am worried. I am worried about the future of our country–the polarization, the hate rhetoric that I’ve heard, the proposed legislation that takes more and more rights away from women, transgender people, and people of color, and more. Frankly, I’m worried about our democracy; I am concerned

A picture of Monarch Butterflies in flight near a flower

Milkweed for Monarchs Sale

UPDATE: There are 10 milkweed plants left over from the sale. They need homes. If you requested, but did not purchase your plants, please arrange for that Sunday 11/20/22. Unclaimed plants will be sold to whoever wants them. All need to go! All sales are cash and carry. Everyone who ordered Milkweed plants will need

Earth Justice Meeting Sunday, November 20

Our regular monthly meeting is being delayed a week to accommodate the Milkweed for Monarchs sale happening Saturday and Sunday, November 12 and 13. We will meet on Sunday, November 20, at 1:30pm via Zoom: ID: 929 0550 6684 | Passcode: Earth Newcomers are always welcome. For more information, contact Please contact Laurel Hardin,

A image of stick figure icons holding hands

Calling All Young Adults

The UUCP young adult’s community is invited to a reception at the home of Rev. Christine Dance, November 19 at 5:00pm. If you are questioning whether you are a young adult – YOU ARE! The purpose is to come together as an affinity group to get to know each other, have some good conversation, and

An image of a snowman, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa candles.

Display Your Holiday Decorations in the Sanctuary

The Sanctuary Art Team invites you to bring decorations which represent your holiday celebrations. Bring your decorations to the Sanctuary on December 3 at 9:00am. Decorations from Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Solstice, Saturnalia; all are welcome and encouraged. We will hang the decorations at the end of November (exact date will be announced). If you have any questions