A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

Notes From Your Dance Partner – December 15, 2022

When I was a little girl, my mom would put us to bed on Christmas Eve in our fanciest Christmas dresses. She’d wake us up in the middle of the night and tuck us in the car to go to Midnight Christmas Eve service at our local Episcopalian church. I remember the sensations of being

Unicare Meal Train Needs

All meal trains accept the same takeout, food deliveries, home-cooked meals, & gift cards—but also direct donations through the site! We currently have one active meal train, it’s for the fabulous Amy Miskell, who is having surgery on December 14. Thanks again so much for your energy, love, & generosity. Big hearts change the world.

Change of Plans! – December Overnight is now a December Party!

The Youth Overnight originally planned at Valley UU on December 17th has been cancelled. 🙁But we’re still going to PARTY. Youth ages 13-18 are invited to join us after The Christmas Caroling Caravan for food, movies, and some holiday mayhem. We’re going to meet in Annex C at 4:00pm for the festivities.

A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

Notes From Your Dance Partner – December 8, 2022

In the Christian calendar, we are in the season of Advent. I love the concept of Advent–the time of waiting for the world to change and also a celebration of some of our greatest ideals–faith, hope, love and joy.   During Christian services, they light a candle each Sunday for each week–and each principle–of Advent. I