A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

Notes From Your Dance Partner

After 39 years, the Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly of Member Congregations voted Saturday with 80% of the Gathered Delegates (including my vote) to adopt Justice, Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Inclusion and Generosity–with Love in the Center as our Statement of Values.  This is the “Article 2” that we’ve been discussing for the last two years.   

A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

Notes From Your Dance Partner

This week, I am attending the UU Ministers Association’s Ministry Days–four days of worship, recognition, discussion, fun and collegiality between UU Ministers. Like the General Assembly this year, it is all online, and It immediately takes me back to the pandemic, watching my friends and colleagues online on a small screen while I sit alone

A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

Notes From Your Dance Partner

Last week’s service on the “Question Box” was a first for me–I wasn’t sure how it was to respond on-the-spot to your deep questions. But I loved it! And I got a lot of feedback that you enjoyed it too (especially the Yodeling Pickle!) Of course, there were a lot of questions we didn’t get

The 2023-2024 Annual Report is Here!

Our UUCP 2023-2024 Annual Report is a full, fascinating and detailed review of everything that this congregation has accomplished, struggled with and been to make UUCP the vibrant congregation that it is. We highly encourage you to review it and see just how much diversity, involvement and excitement is happening in your congregation.

A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

Notes From Your Dance Partner

As I am writing this, HCR 2060 just passed the Arizona House of Representatives. This is the bill that several members of our congregation went to the Senate to protest. It is now on the ballot for Arizonans to decide in November. This is something that we need to be worried about for political reasons,

Budget Review Meetings & Congregational Meeting

Thursday, May 30 - 6:00pm MST Come join us on June 9 for the Congregational Meeting, and everyone is welcome to attend, but only UUCP members are eligible to vote. You can attend this meeting in person or via Zoom. In addition to the voting on the budget, we will be sharing information about the state of the congregation and our