Info about the UU Foundation—who it is, what it does – sub-pages for Chalice Keepers, legacy gifts (is there an actual Legacy Society?), Memorial Garden Fund. Or does Chalice Keepers go under Ways to Give?

Why Have a Foundation?
So we can realize current dreams—and grow bigger dreams for the future.

The sole purpose of the Unitarian Universalist Foundation of Phoenix is to benefit the UU Congregation of Phoenix. Through gifts and loans, the Foundation assists with projects such as long-range programs and major building and property improvements that cannot normally be sustained through annual operating contributions. The more the Foundation Fund grows, the closer we come to fulfilling the Congregation’s mission.

Supporting the Present

Each year, UUFP has historically distributed to the congregation an amount equal to around five percent of Foundation assets at the end of the previous calendar year. These funds support the congregation’s annual operating budget. The congregation’s Board of Directors may formally request assistance from UUFP for projects that support long-term growth and health of the congregation and Unitarian Universalism. Support from UUFP, along with generous contributions to the capital campaign, helped to realize the dream of a more welcoming patio space for all ages.

Recognizing Life-affirming Events with a Donation to UUFP

Anyone at any time can donate to UUFP. Many people request a donation to the Foundation in memory of a loved one, in recognition of a birthday, anniversary, or other life-affirming occasion. To donate in honor of someone, you may write a check to the Unitarian Universalist Foundation of Phoenix and include “in honor of” in the memo line.

Ensuring the Future

Supporting the continued growth of the congregation and its mission is vital. As the Foundation Fund grows, through legacy or planned gifts and gifts honoring special events in our lives or in memory of loved ones, our dreams will come closer to reality. The UUFP Memory Book, kept in the office, is a permanent record of these gifts. To learn more about supporting the Foundation Fund in your estate planning, please visit our Chalice Keepers & Legacy Society page.


Every member of UUCP is a member of UUFP. Six directors are elected by the members at the UUFP annual meeting, usually held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the congregation. Directors serve overlapping three-year terms. Working with our financial advisors and operating from a conservative investment philosophy, the directors manage the Foundation Fund for growth and stability and consider and approve disbursements. The directors also promote giving to the Foundation Fund and offer programs related to personal financial management and legacy or planned giving.

Gift Acceptance Policy

UUFP and UUCP can live into their shared vision through the generosity of members and friends. This gift acceptance policy is intended to establish the parameters regarding cash and real asset donations.

  1. Acceptance of any contribution, gift, or grant is at the discretion of UUFP. UUFP will not accept any gift unless it can be used or expended consistently with the purpose and mission of UUCP and UUFP.
  2. No irrevocable gift, whether outright or life-income in character, will be accepted if under any reasonable set of circumstances the gift would jeopardize the donor’s financial security.
  3. UUFP will refrain from providing advice about the tax or other treatment of gifts and will encourage donors to seek guidance from their own professional advisors to assist them in the process of making their gifts.
  4. UUFP will respect the intent of the donor relating to the desire to remain anonymous. With respect to anonymous gifts, UUFP will restrict information about the donor to only those staff members with a need to know.
  5. UUFP will accept donations of cash or publicly traded securities. Gifts of in-kind services will be accepted at the discretion of UUFP.
  6. Certain other gifts, real property, personal property, in-kind gifts, non-liquid securities, and contributions whose sources are not transparent or whose use is restricted in some manner, must be reviewed prior to acceptance due to the special obligations raised or liabilities they may pose for UUFP.
  7. UUFP will respect the intent of the donor relating to gifts for restricted purposes. UUFP will not accept gifts that would result in any unacceptable consequences for UUFP, including but not limited to (a) result in UUFP losing its status as an integrated auxiliary of UUCP, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, (b) be too difficult or too expensive to administer in relation to their value, or (c) be for purposes outside UUFP’s mission. Decisions on the restrictive nature of a gift, and its acceptance or refusal, shall be made by the Finance Committee, in consultation with the President of UUFP and the UUCP Minister.
  8. UUFP will not compensate, whether through commissions, finders’ fees, or other means, any third party for directing a gift or a donor to UUFP.