The Key Campus (formerly called Human Services Center) has started relief centers for the homeless in the Phoenix metro area, mainly working to help them get housed. Earth Justice has a large box at the back of the sanctuary now through August to collect items requested.

They need lots of water!
ThirstAid is your opportunity to help by donating funds in any amount for water bottles for the next five months. As we anticipate another scorching summer, please consider helping this vulnerable population.

They also need donations of the following items:
electrolyte powdered drink packs, sunscreen and SPF lip balm, solid gray bandanas (no pattern), sun hats, baseball caps, sunglasses, insulated water jugs (half-gallon preferred), and/or cooling wraps/towels.

Please put these items in our collection box and they will be taken to Keys for Change the first Saturday of each month. Thank you! 

For more information, contact .